Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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2:44 AM
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Korra
      ...oh god, it's morning for you, isn't it? 8D
    2. Misty
      Becuz it is shinee and i liek shinee fings an also i woz on staf wunce an also coz it is shineealso, I heard you guys forgot I used to be on staff D: wat, that is so mean D:
      you have no idea how many requests I get that are actually like that.
    3. Plums
      Dear CtR,

      I also got some nice milk for the kitties.



    4. nasirrich
      Oh wow I've been doing pretty good for myself.
      My family not so much it seems like no one in the household can be trusted. Me I would say that's kinda true, but it seems like I'm always in the middle of everything.
    5. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      pretty good, thank you and btw welcome back.^ ^
    6. Sanya

      Oh well, you'll just have to push me around in a wheelchair. o.o
    7. Sanya
      *Yawns and looks down*

      What the.... where did my foot go? o_O
    8. The Fuk?
      The Fuk?
      Not for a couple of months, I still have all sorts of testing, like claustrophobia tests, being able to pay attention, and stuff like that. It's an exclusive program.
    9. C
      CtR, HERE?! OMG, we haven't talked in years! How you been?
    10. Misty
      I don't like the term "fixing" but rather "expanding". xD I went through the phase of "RAAWWWRR MY MUSIC TASTES > ALL" and I realized how preposterous that was, so now I just kind of pass along my musical interests in hopes that people will expand their musical libraries. :B Me and one of my friends routinely exchange CD mixtapes, haha.

      I was super unsure about them for the longest time too, in truth I download one of their albums and only like 1-3 songs off of it, but the ones I do like I seriously love. But I get that they might not be for everyone, the subject matter of a lot of their songs isn't always, ehm, comforting, lol.

      That would be fun, haha.
    11. Aura
      Heyyy. It's alright, but I hope you're doing okay. D:

      I am doing quite good. Just busy with school.
    12. Bushy
      lol yeah.
      I remember thinking...
      I'll never even get the second and bam!
      I suddenly have 3 XD
    13. Zeonark

      I see.
      You declined because you're our queen, correct? o:
    14. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Thank you<3 And you are probely right<3 thank you! good news is my writing is taking off! cx I made a bet with my mom that if I can make a full story in two weeks I get $100 :'D
    15. Bushy
      Lol, yeah I know that feeling all too well :P

      and yeah, I got back into it pretty fast lol, No Problem (Y)
      It was funny as well, I've gained two Rep crystals in a week or so lol
      It was amazing how fast it happened XD
    16. Misty
      I have to spread my disease. D: My real life friends have resisted my Xiu Xiu pressure so far, but they will succumb soon enough. c:<
    17. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      alot of stress ; ; ive been in the hospital and now im sick and my asthma acting up ; ; these past few months havnt been fun at all :'c
    18. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Glad to hear that cx Not to well sadly :'c
    19. Bushy
      heh, I know the feeling, I'm feeling pretty shattered myself. :P

      And yeah, I get it lol
      I know it feels weird :P
      I took a break for just over a year and then bam. I came back lol
    20. nasirrich
      Yes sure thing of course.~,^
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  • About

    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~