Sep 30, 2006
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4:29 AM
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Creative 30 41
Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


This silence is mine, Female, 29


Pink?! Aug 5, 2021

    1. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Lol, I might as well start a trend. xD

      Thanks. I'm sooooo excited and happy, I don't care if I feel like I'm about to fall asleep. I missed them too much! D:
    2. Ienzo
      To tell you the truth, I don't really know either xD But it was an attempt at a compliment :3

      And yeah, I just can't be horrible to people, if I am it's either by mistake or they've done something to pisss me off. I spend too much of my time worrying whether I've hurt someone which is rather silly :3. Sadly, I am a bit of a push over but I'm gaining more confidence daily as I steal it from passers by in the street >)

      And yes, you should see if it was Michael McIntyre, I'm very interested to know if it is or not xD
    3. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      c: Okay! I'll take your word for it then.

      Same with my Sunday. I don't have to work, and I get to see my little kids in nursery and play and hang out with them. I MISSED IT SO MUCH BECAUSE OF WORK! ;~;
    4. Ienzo
      It's alright Chris, you also gave it to me and it's the thought that counts ::L:

      And yeah, Bill Bailey is quite epic, I've never realyl watched him though as his appearance used to freak me out as a child... he does have quite scary eyes. So I just stick to Monty Python and Michael McIntyre :3

      And yay for not being rude <3 You put the cool within me though Chris ^^
    5. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Yush, yush you do. xD lol You're new nickname: Carrier Pigeon. Just kidding~ :glomp:

      Oh yeah it has. xDDD lol. Anways, how are you?
    6. Ienzo
      I thought you were talknig about me then and I was like "When am I rude? DDDDDD:" but thwen I realised :3 Strange thing though, it's Bill Bailey singing that and he's English xD But it's bizarrely catchy ::L:

      People jogging past who would judge would secretly be jealous >:3
    7. Ienzo
      Ahh yes, I think my favourite was the first one with the birds xD It made me pity Snape and just the thought of someone taking a picture of a cardboard cutout feeding birds is just hilarious.

      Yes! Wir sind geni! Und nothnig kann stop us. Woo, half german, half couldn't care less ::L:

      Okay, fun songage for youuuuu:
    8. Ienzo
      First of all! That Tumblr page is genius xD It was so random, I laughed. Danke Schon meine darrrrrling ^^

      Yes we are both geniusses, however it is spelt xD And yay! I got a message ^^
    9. Iskandar
      Postbox? Where do I find that?
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Oh Wait, You mean a different post box. I see what you mean now.
    11. Mike
      Thanks so much for letting me know! =)
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      There is? Where? I didn't see any new messages to me...
    13. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Lol, that's like your trademark saying now. xDDD

      That it was cute, and... yeah. *Insert manthoughts here*

      Okay. ^^;
    14. Ienzo
      No Chris, you are genius. *claps* What a good idea, the world will then be in the palm of our hand, they may bring back their friends to rebel against us and fight back and that is when we lead them into our trap and capture them! >)
    15. Ienzo
      Oh so true, but we shall carry on this love of TRUE comedy genius with us and pass it on the millions of children we have so that they will spread and the love with once again rule over all!
    16. Doukuro
      Yeah it seems like she has little to no love :c I don't get it, she's nice and sweet. I understand people liking others over her...but so much hate for her DX
    17. Amaury
      Thanks, haha!

      Do you just copy and paste those messages? I've seen them on other user profiles, and they look the same.
    18. Korra
      Yes, very excited, especially given the issues my parents and I tend to have. >>
      Nervous about roommates though. I'm rooming with three other girls so it should be interesting, hopefully we'll all get along.

      ...Jesus, yeah. How many languages are you taking?
      Good to hear you're doing well though, lol.
    19. Ienzo
      They obviously aren't British like you are then! Some of my friends have seen it but were like "That's just too silly" but I just don't understand that. Also, my Dad grew up with it so he's quoted it at me for 16 years and only recently did I find out where those random quotes in my head were from.
    20. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      xDDDD lol! Better than what one of my coworkers admitted to me at work about my butt. xP

      Thanks Chris, that probably gave you a headache, huh? :glomp:
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Past Usernames:
    Master Bate


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