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Mar 3, 2023
Mar 4, 2007
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Jun 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Awesome Town
Captain of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes


Still the Best 1973, Male, 31, from Awesome Town


I do now :v Aug 16, 2021

burnitup was last seen:
Mar 3, 2023
    1. Pinekaboo
      Of course. Why do you ask?
    2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      I liked it though it was a bit odd haha
    3. Droid
      If DT was onboard with it then I'm sure they're fine. They were going to be later on anyways right? By then this will have hopefully blown over more anyways.

      Very much so, I don't know if it'll be as good as the Avengers(dat movie...so many feels..), but it's Batman and the other two recent ones have been great.
    4. Droid
      It's not that you can't do musical numbers, it's just that once I did that first musical number everyone wants to do a musical number every post. It's crazy and got sad after a point. If you ask about doing one and it makes sense plot wise or the character actually sings it, it's cool.

      Anyways, I'm doing okay. Had a church thing I've had to help with all week, run music and stuff for skits. Plan on majoring in media/graphic design in college so it's helpful. Also I pre-ordered tickets to Batman, yesh.
    5. Droid

      :Awesome: Just wanted to use that, but yes, very much so. Always happens when I'm not here, but DT was handling it right.
      How are you doing?
    6. Bushy
      So you know the Yogscast?! XD
      That is amazing how much of a coincidence that was. And I don't believe in coincidence. *highfives for epic destiny stuff happening there*
    7. Bushy
    8. Bushy
      You and me both.
      And quite frankly... disgusting.

      As I said, I'm normally a very laid back and chillaxed dude who loves to have fun, but I hate seeing such things like this.
      I'm not one to just bottle it away either because to me, that'd just be turning a blind eye to such a bad display of behaviour. I speak my mind about such things because I think it needs to be addressed, and that's why yeah.

      Also... Dark really doesn't deserve this abuse he has received. I'm not just saying it because it's Dark and I've known him for years. Anyone else in his position, I'd say the same for. KHV is meant to be a community where people can have fun and be awesome together.
      The things I've seen today are certainly not awesome.
    9. Pinekaboo
      In what way what? In what way am I bad at being alone?
    10. Pinekaboo
      I've been getting more than that from Bushy, so I guess I'm okay. I'm just not very good at being alone.
    11. Pinekaboo
      Eh, I guess so. Not great, but sure.
    12. Bushy
      I've been informed.

      And he said the Nazi stuff in the OOC thread excluding the 'HEIL' comment in the vm itself which is still a scummy thing to say and is definitely offensive, the other stuff he said in the vm was still just as nasty though. I'll even quote it *goes to find it and comes back*:


      Black Mage sat on a chair, staring through the screen. "We interupt your battle to inform you StardustXtreme would like to apologize to adding a gay joke in this post and acting homophobic and actually respects all views even we already have Abridged Characters, hence said link to use as background music is from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged but since people say he's being not cool with this, why not ask the Abridged Characters to stop using gay jokes in their series huh? YugI Moto calls clowns gay., So thnk about that, now back to your wonderful world of Crossover Cove."
      That is how you deal with things, my friend.

      ... I'm going to impart with you something I've been thinking ever since the end of the first arc...
      this RP was intended for fun, right? Well... the spirit of fun is slowly dying, it would seem. If it was still here, then none of that would've happened. I'm this close to making an abridged series with the FF characters, have them do a musical number, and then have them say "You know, DT would never let us do that. He'd be all like 'It's improper! YOU WILL KILL THE SPIRIT OF FUN EVEN THOUGH I AM DOING THAT! I HEREBY BAN YOU FROM THE COVE! HEIL!' "...
      ... I needed to let that out of me.

      Particularly nasty. Considering the fact that Dark's done a lot for the Cove, that is even more out of line. In fact, Droid's great and we obviously owe the cove to him, but Dark has been involved with the plot and other things since before the beginning. The Cove that Aragorns was on about from the first arc still had Dark heavily involved. So everything Aragorns is saying there is nonsense.
      He just doesn't like the fact that he was reprimanded for being out of order. And I find it particularly enlightening how the one person he goes to complain to happens to be the other person who was also reprimanded earlier.

      The simple fact is... Droid agrees with Dark on the matter and backs him fully. The fact that Aragorns is being like this and just saying it is all on Dark is completely nullified by the fact that Droid himself agrees with Dark.

      At the end of the day... *sigh* It's sad that anything like this has happened at all. But yeah, I do not condone any of the things that have been said today.

      You and I have been members for a long time. I'm sure we both know that people on KHV have had their moments, and that there have been worse before... but I still can't believe how some of the members on KHV are becoming now'a'days. It's kinda sad, and it just ruins things for everyone else. :/
    13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      It's not popular. I just stumbled upon it.
    14. Bushy
      Hey there. Everything alright?
      I know things got a bit messed up in the cove there. I hope you don't think I was too harsh in my actions earlier with those two. But, I just felt things were getting out of hand and they needed to be addressed. I'm the type of guy who says what is on my mind. I'm up for having fun as much as the next guy, and can be really laid back. Just yeah, I didn't approve of the things said earlier. I'm just trying to be fair.
      I felt I should contact you anyway cause I could tell that the entire thing had just sorta bothered you a bit like I'm sure it bothered some of the others too.
    15. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      It was call Antique Bakery. :3
    16. Pinekaboo
      He said the RP is being run by a nazi. Me and Droid jointly run the RP, so I can only assume he's saying we both are. And even if he is, directly insulting one person is no better.
    17. Pinekaboo
      On that we can definitely agree, but did you notice that he both refered to me and Droid as Nazis and crossed out my name in Aerith's post?
    18. Pinekaboo
      I think it's worse that I was directly insulted for doing nothing but moderating the RP that I'm expected to moderate, like Aragorns did.
    19. Pinekaboo
      It was entirely justified, in my opinion, and evidently in his too, and that's all that matters.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Don't let it. The fact is, there was something that needed to be addressed, and then some people wound up furthering it. Droid's been told, Bushy has apparently derepped them, and if it happens again, I'll simply inform Jayn. That's all there is to it.
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  • About

    Jun 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Awesome Town
    Captain of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes
    I'm a talking walrus with a degree in political science and awesomeness. What's there to know?
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