Last Activity:
Feb 27, 2025
Apr 27, 2011
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Kingdom Keeper, No, from Yes

I'm gonna make my own status. Without any blackjack or hookers. Apr 30, 2018

Beucefilous was last seen:
Feb 27, 2025
    1. Ventus PSP Aqua
    2. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Dang, must be a tough fight
    3. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ohhhhh, yeah he looks like it
    4. Ventus PSP Aqua
    5. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      I guess more chances of surviving
    6. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Would be crazy if it wasn't lol
    7. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Wow that's high
    8. Ventus PSP Aqua
    9. Fearless
      Well, to be quite honest, customs are not widely accepted to play with. KHV is just one of those special places.
      Also, not to be mean or anything, but you really shouldn't be playing YGO unless you like it. And I don't just mean the card game, fun as it is. YGO is one of those games you need to have prior knowledge of.

      You're profile says you're 15, is that right? So you probably just missed out on the YGO craze that happened when the show and cards first came out, and that's understandable. But you really do need some prior knowledge here. Hence why I suggested studying up a bit.
    10. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      :glomp: hey Riku :)
    11. Fearless
      First off, and I know you didn't necessarily do this, don't put your favorite cards in your deck just because it's your favorite.
      Example, one of my favorite cards is Swing of Memories, which is a card that brings one normal monster back from the graveyard for one turn. I don't have it in my deck because it doesn't work with the way my deck is set up. But, one of my other favorite cards is Stardust Dragon, which is a syncro card, and it works great in my deck.

      Now, since you don't know many cards, perhaps you should study some? May I suggest watching a few episodes of the show? Or if you don't wanna do that, go on the YGO wiki and click the 'random' button. It's great for looking up cards you don't know. Or perhaps look at a professional deck and look up the cards you don't know?
      Successful custom card decks do have some basis in real cards, you know.
    12. Terra254
      I guess,If you say so.
      I did a coin toss.
    13. Fearless
      Not necessarily. The more cards you have, the more cards you have to keep track of, if you're playing the forum version.
      Plus, the point is to have a deck you can use in any situation. Someday you might play the deck somewhere that doesn't allow you to pick whichever card you want, and then you'll already have a deck that would work.

      It's like I said, you don't need to make a new card for every effect. Example, you already had a Polymerization in your deck. You could have made a KH themed card with the same effect, but there would have been no point, because it would have only equated to more work for you for no reason.
      Another example is the very first spell in your album. 'Drive Orb' has virtually the same effect as Graceful Charity, the only difference being the picture and name. Why do you need to make Drive Orb when Graceful Charity does the same thing? Just because your theme is KH, doesn't mean every single card in your deck needs to be KH themed.
    14. Terra254
      But Ploo-hems and Ty were close seconds~
    15. Fearless
      Okay, my first impressions of this deck, just by looking at the thumbnails, is that there are waaaaay too many monster cards, and not nearly enough trap cards. Your spell cards are kinda on the heavy side too.

      Let's take a look at the rules real quick, shall we?
      You may have between 40 to 60 cards in your deck.
      While you did follow this rule, it's always a better idea to stay closer to 40. The reason for this is that if you have too many cards, you may not draw what you need when you need it. I know that's slightly irrelevant when playing on KHV, but the goal here is to make a deck that can work in any situation. My personal, irl deck has about 45 cards in it, which is a pretty good amount, which is a little much, in my opinion, but the way I play requires that I have every one of those cards. Your ideal deck should have at most 43.

      I also suggest loosing the ritual monsters. They're a bit outdated, especially for someone new to the game, and, imo, a right pain in the arse to summon.

      Now I feel like I've been kinda critisizing you for this entire text wall, so let me make it up to you by telling you something you did right. c:
      You used official cards. In a custom card deck, it's unecessary to make cards that are simply re-hashes of cards that already exist in the actual game, and lots of newbies don't realize this. Good job. ^_^
    16. Terra254
      Who'd you vote for?
      Listening to Music and other stuff~
    17. Terra254
      lol,I noticed that,I was looking for it I was like "WTF?Its the apocalypse These are the end times~"
      Cool,I guess
    18. Terra254
      Very Happy~
      Whats up?
    19. Fearless
      Well, I can't tell you exactly, because every deck is different, so you'll have to judge for yourself sometimes.

      Just make sure your deck is well balanced for how you want to play, for starters. Do you want to win with f*ck tons of spell cards? Smash sh*t with high level monsters?
    20. Terra254
      Yes indeed.
      You make the thread.

      Title: "Sex,Masturbation "

      [Sex,Masturbation] and Drugs.Yeah Man~
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