Last Activity:
Feb 27, 2025
Apr 27, 2011
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Kingdom Keeper, No, from Yes

I'm gonna make my own status. Without any blackjack or hookers. Apr 30, 2018

Beucefilous was last seen:
Feb 27, 2025
    1. Terra254

      Then I suppose I was wrong...Maybe.
      hehe, Myab,I have come up with another Crazy explanation. I await its failure.
    2. starseeker3
      no, just flippin cracked out of a 4 chocolate shake and gatorade
    3. Terra254
      But you were.
      I wonder what It'll be like when you two meet.
      Awkward maybe.
      If I ever met Ven or Kairi I'd be awkward xD.
      I'd take like 20 seconds in between every sentence Unless I just yell out Random stuff like with Kairi xD

      Anyway, What did her mom ever say?
      And aren't you supposed to meet her in like March?
    4. Lauriam
      Believe me, this story was bad. Alright, here was the basic plotline:

      A wizard from so long ago that no one even remembers his country, sends four giant gems into different times in the future, hoping that some hero will find it and come save his country from... I never even decided what kind of danger his country was in. These four stones end up one in medieval times, to be picked up by a knight who stinks at being a knight so badly that the people of a town sent him to fight a dragon just so that they would be rid of him when the dragon ate him. One is sent to the revolutionary war, and is picked up by a ditzy nineteen year old girl who can't for the life of her catch a husband. One is sent to the old west, picked up by a cowboy who accidentally forgot to tie his horse up the night before so he was out looking for it when a band of deperados raided his wagon train, and one was sent to modern times, and was picked up by a woman who's family was just killed in a fire, and she just so happens to be eight months pregnant.

      That by itself isn't even as bad as the writing. Even when I was writing it, I knew that it was bad. Horrible sentence structure, hard to read diolague, long run-on paragraphs that rambled and served no real purpose in the story. Badly written descriptive passages and unsuccessful attempts at witty banter between characters. The characters themselves had no depth at all, the wise wizard, the bumbling knight, the ditzy blonde, the rough and tough cowboy, and the greiving mother. I tried to give it some romance by making the ditzy blonde fall in love with the cowboy, but that just made everything worse. It was, by far, the worst thing I have ever tried to write.
    5. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Yeah XD
      lol nope
    6. starseeker3
    7. Terra254
      Haha xD

      No,I'd sooner watch LotR which I promised myself I'd never watch for fear I might actually like it.

      For whatever reason you were un-happy is not true,If that makes any sense.
      Hehe xD
    8. starseeker3
      me ninja penguin throwing a shirikin/star thingy into my face
      why? cuz that is the ultimate way to die
    9. Terra254
      You confuse me .
    10. starseeker3
      if you had to die, how and why
    11. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      XD you and your pics lol
    12. starseeker3
    13. Lauriam
      Oh no, it was awful. I know that I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, but that was just bad. Pus, I was only eleven at the time. How many eleven year olds can write a good fantasy novel?
    14. Terra254
    15. starseeker3
    16. Terra254
      Hey,What's up?
    17. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      I knew that ^^
    18. starseeker3

      [IMG] so i auto-win
    19. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      XD id say so :D
    20. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Its pal isn't it? :lolface:
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