Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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7:15 PM
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. Jayn
      8DD...But seriously, you know you want to. <<;

      o.o XDD Damn. I feel like editing it now. :/8D:

      Omg. That's amazing that you don't know his last name for certain. xD But yeah, Cullen. Or awful and awkward.
    2. Jayn
      I see. Well, have I an excellent plot twist for you. Two words. Four syllables. Kill-er Light-bulbs. >B|

      ^^ I'm not trying to put myself down by saying it, but that was stupid--*Cough*ThoughthatdoesntmeanIwontcallyouthatagainsomeday*Cough*--Excuse me. :3

      XDD Yay! Smiles are the steps to...laughter! And when I get the laptop, I will. 8D8
    3. Jayn
      Mhm. Do you have an idea of what you'll write about?

      No sorry. I'm sorry because I'm stupid. xD

      I'll tell you via PM. But yeah. I wanted to make you laugh. I'M A FAILURE. I would've spammed your profile but I'm on my Wii and that'd take me an hour. >< Maybe you'd laugh if you heard how it's sung. :=D:
    4. Jayn
      It is.
      Well, good luck.

      I'm sorry.

      No. I'm actually in a bad mood since my day was bad. >>; But I can tell you're sad. So I wrote you a happy song...About swimming and such.
    5. Jayn
      A badass short horror story of DARKNESS.
      Aww. Well, that's okay. Focus and inspiration will hit you. :glomp:

      It'll be okay, Virah-pooh.

      ♪Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimminig-in-ing-in-ing-in-ing, look I'm a fish in the ooooooooooceeeeeeaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn, swimminggggggggggg, OOOoooOooooOooceeeeeaaaAaaaaaAAAaaannnnnnnNnnnNnnnnb wiiiiiiithhhhhhhhhh Virrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, swiiiiiimmmmmmmmminnnnggggggggggggggggg

      Swimming-in-ing-in-ing--*Deep breath* Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming-in-ig---Zaaaaaaaaaack Faaaaaaaaaaaaaairrrrr. ♪
    6. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Awww... ; ; I'm sorry. *Hugs* Wanna talk about it in the PMs? And no... it was all girls. The weirdest question I got was, "Why do you look so hot?" << But I know her, so it's all good. XD lol.
    7. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Aw.... ; ; Everything okay? And hyper today. I felt like wearing some make-up and such... people were asking me what was the occasion, and I said, "I dunno, I just felt like being pretty today." 8D8
    8. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Shweeeeet! XDDD That's good. How are you today? XDX
    9. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Yuuush! I bet your done by now. XDX
    10. Shuhbooty
      Ohhh yeah we have those.
      Lovely. XDD


      I have to watch em all over again. I'm on 46 as of now. >_>
      And it's getting very interesting. xD

      I NEED INTERNET! *dies*
    11. Jayn
      Yeah. XDD Just a short story. OF DARKNESS. *Insert evil laugh*
      No, I like it. 8DD It's awesome sounding and I bet it'll be even better once you actually write it all. xD
    12. Jayn
      Bwahahaha. XDD Yeah, that was evilness coming out. And I only got to where the boy first proposes that she kill the king. << Then lazyness and distractions and writers block stopped me from going on. XD
      What's it about? 8DD
    13. Jayn
      Yaaaaay. And it was about...<<; Eh. It was about a princess. Who befriends a little boy. And her father is a tyrant and is pretty much executing people for no reason. And the boy offers a solution. Pretty much, "Why don't you kill him 8D" And she's appalled to it at first. But yeah, she ends up brutally killing the king. And I'm really graphic and in detail about it. Then she holds a feast to celebrate with the villagers who were effect by the king's rampage. And then everyone pretty much starts dropping dead like flies and the Princess is like "Wtf." and turns out the little boy was an evil sorcerer and he ends up murdering the princess (hacking her to pieces while she's conscious) and overthrows the kingdom, plunging it into such eternal darkness that no one can ever save it. :=D:
      And when I feel like doing something boring. XDD
    14. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e

      I has abandon you ;_; BY NOT LOGGING ON HERE
    15. Jayn
      Yay? 8DD Will you post it? And yeah. I started writing something about a month ago and it was really twisted and I kept getting depressed writing it so I stopped. ;o; And nice. I had fun for a little while, until I realized I had to do this huge stupid quest to get something I wanted. Then I logged out. XD
    16. Jayn
      Writers block really sucks. That's why I haven't written any new stories. Always get that stupid block. And distractions. That sounds cute. XD Yeah, now I am. @-@
    17. Jayn
      Oh. I'm sorry. >< Oh, good. You're fast. @-@ What game is it? And I dun wanna...I don't know why. I kinda do now. XDDD
    18. Jayn
      ;~; Why? And yay! 8D Any further? And yeah, just got. Time to play again. <<; Maybe. I actually don't feel like it anymore. .__.
    19. Jayn
      XDD Aw...I'm sure you just need a random strike of inspiration and you'll write nonstop. :=D: And yeah. Unless I have the fan on right in front of the laptop. ; ;
    20. Jayn
      Aww. I'm sorry. ; ; How much do you have done from that essay? Oh jeeze, yeah, probably because of the windows. XD I open. And I'm playing an MMORPG so my laptop's laggng. ; ;
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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