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Jun 24, 2016
Feb 8, 2008
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Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Safest Haven


Goddess, Female, 32, from Safest Haven

Aura was last seen:
Jun 24, 2016
    1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      She doesn't deserve to be fully named. >>
      I have my own laptop now! ^^
      Yup. No reply yet.
    2. Jayn
      Haha. I know. I was thinking the same thing. I was like, "WHAT WAS THE POIIIINT." So I was content with how things ended. I need a new cute/funny/romantic anime. As of now, I'm watching this...Well, it's from the same people who made Higurashi so it's brutal. XD

      I always tell him to stop, I hate it when he acts like a man-****. @-@ But for some reason last night really got to me and I snapped and asked him if his girlfriend knew he was flirting around with girls on the Internet. And then he tried to tell me that being a pervert was better than being a flirt. Then I stopped talking to him. 8D8 They were dating for three months.
    3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Same here. As long as she and HM die.
      I dun need to work when I'm not in school and I dun even work at school! XD
      I know but she did message me today on Yahoo. I wasn't logged in though.
      I'm not sure what to do with it.
    4. Jayn
      What happened was...Over the course of the anime, little golden lights shone whenever something happy happened. And when Ushio died, she was actually the girl in the world with the robot thing. And she gathered up all of the happy memories that Tomoya was able to create with his friends and helping them with their problems and such and used it to start things over and give her daddy a happy ending since he deserved it after helping everyone so much.

      More like I started remembering all of that stuff with you-know-who because he was being perverted and I got irritated. << And then my friend called me crying about how her boyfriend cheated on her. @_@ And I was like, "I HATE MEN." for the rest of the night.
    5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Me niether. But does it really matter?
      I'm always lazy. ^w^
      Darn it. :sideways: Well I'll see what I can do.
      Their mom? Strange. @-@
    6. Jayn
      Yeah...But luckily...Wait, did you finish? <<

      Well, thank you for listening. I might've gone completely off on someone who was really suicidal last night and been responsible for their death. B|
    7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Lavine?...Who knows...
      Me too. XD
      Like Feburary 8th or something. I forget.
      Btw sorry for taking long but I was making my Skype account.
    8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Ew...I shall destroy whoever sings it...
      Oh yeah huh?.. *facepalm*
      Okay as well. Not much happening to say much.
    9. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Yup...It's absolutely awful...
      And okies! I wanted to try and visit before I start classes again since I'm gonna have a big schedule.
      How you been btw? ^^ Sorry I didn't ask.
    10. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Hey Hey! You You! ....Man I dun likes that song...Anywho! Do you know when you guys go back to school?
    11. Jayn
      I know. That's where I was really sad. I kept wondering why they were torturing poor Tomoya.

      No, I understand with you, because there's a reason. You know? It's not just an attention whore phase, you have a reason so be depressed, and I respect that. Nothing huge happened, it's just all day I've been dealing with people like that and everyone's either been shutting me out or clinging for attention. All day I've been like a ticking bomb, and yeah, just then I exploded. o__o I'm sorry.
    12. Jayn
      Oh, okay.

      Because I don't have anyone in my life who isn't depressed. And then someone I was talking to earlier acts like an unfaithful jerk-off, but for some reason people find that attractive about him and he's so proud of himself. And then other people complain about nothing, literally nothing. They sit there and act all depressed and bring everyone around them down with them with their attitude, because they're the miserable ones. And then there are the people who tell you their depressed or angry, and then push you away and won't tell you what's wrong. I wonder why. It seems like an attention-whoring thing. "What's wrong?"
      "I don't want to talk about it."
      "No, tell me. I'm here for you."
      "I don't think I should."
      "Are you sure?"
      "Well, I was raped ten times today and I killed someone on accident...and I'm pregnant."
      It's just, seriously? I've stopped prying. And then when you stop prying, people complain about how no one cares and no one's there for them and they're so lonely and have no one to talk to because their the ones who pushed everyone away from them for whatever reason.
      Then of course, there are the *******s who cheat and lie and pretend everything's alright after. And the ones who go off on you about something you never did. And the ones that are too in denial to admit they've ever done anything wrong. And the one's who are going to commit suicide because their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them. And the one's who don't care about anything. And the one's who never stop arguing or complaining. And the ones who don't get over anything and constantly dwell on every bad thing that's ever happened because they're too good for that hardships life brings.

      I just wonder what's wrong with people, why people can't get over it when it's time to get over it and move on (I mean, if someone dies and they mourn their loss, it doesn't bother me. But then someone died ten years ago and they live everyday saying their life sucks so bad because of that, it annoys the hell out of me. There's a time to move on. And if they seriously can't get over something or they're constantly depressed, I feel they should get professional help instead of acting like jerk to everyone else because their lives suck in their opinion.) and live life and try and get better as they go along.

      I just hate people. I'm so tired of being in a good mood, and then talking to someone who's in a bad mood and trying to cheer them up and they make me feel useless and like **** and bring my mood down. Or being playful and someone's irritated so they shoot me down. Or being perfectly content and someone's riled up about an argument they had so they get me all pissy for the sake of argument. Especially when you're having a bad day, and you need to talk to someone about it, and all they do is say "Oh." to your problem or, start *****ing about their day, or said, "I forgot what to say." or some crap like that, when you're constantly listening to their problems.

      *Stops* B| I could go on for days.
    13. Jayn
      So...You think that it was mean of her to keep playing and get the **** scared out of her? ._.

      I wonder what's wrong with people. <<
    14. Jayn
      That's so mean. o.o Why are you so mean to people there? Dx

      Wooooot. Last episode was pretty good, if not confusing.
    15. Jayn
      Oh God, poor girl. D: That's depressing, why would they do that to her? ;-; Especially if she was already scared? I remember that maze. When I first played it, I already know it was going to be something "scary" because of the way everyone was hovering over me...I mean, seriously, no one is so intrigued by a "Maze game". So I just kept waiting. And when the chick popped up and screamed, I was just like "Ah." And everyone around me was like "OHHH! HAHAHA! WE GOT YOU!"

      Yeah. << How far are you now?
    16. Jayn
      Oh God. What the hell? xDD Why would he do that? What did it remind you of?

      I was bawling when Nagisa died. I was like, "WAIT. NO. YOU CAN'T DIE. HE LOVES YOU!!! HE LOVES YOU! *Throws trash can against wall* NO! ****! NO! YOU ****ERS! YOU ****ERS! *Sobbing*" And that part was sad too. ; ; It was sooo sweet.
    17. Jayn
      How did he traumatize you? I used to be like that but I grew out of it. I remember my dad sneaking into my room and making the Grudge sound, and I ran into the bathroom and the light switch is outside of the door so he turned it off and made the sound until I ran out of the bathroom and he tickled me half to death. @-@ I was crying until he tickled me.

      Lol. She's cute.
    18. Jayn
      Aww. I loved it. But I like animes that stimulate my emotions, so I liked being creeped out. Um... I did that when Shion was getting her fingernails ripped off. >>

      Yeah, over and over again. XD
    19. Jayn
      Yeah. Thus why I much prefer Higurashi. I cringed so much watching that anime. It was brutal. Until the second season. And the third season wasn't worth anything. It was like six episodes of nothing important happening. But the other two weAk s were amazing. :'D

      xD Kotooomiiii~ I feel randomly sick looking at it though. @-@ *Stops*
    20. Jayn
      Yeah, Elfen Lied was my ex's favorite anime. I could never understand why. I only cried once, and the rest wasn't all too shocking to me. I found myself laughing every time Nana fell apart, and I only cried when Mariko and her dad died on that bridge...And that was only for like two seconds.

      That's fine.
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  • About

    Jun 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Safest Haven
    Past Usernames:
    VaKh87, Violet, Aura, Break, Ven, Ruki, Elika, Rem.



    Heaven is a place on earth with you.

    Drops of Jupiter
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