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Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Deathsight44
      setbacks? well I always do anyways. besides, it would be annoying if I did a whole bunch of big time stuff and then left all the small time stuff for last. idk, it would make things less dramatic or whatever u wanna call it :P
    2. Deathsight44
      Basicly all the charecters in Orginization XIII. Technicly, they are still my allies, and so I wish to simply get their small roles in my plans out of the way, since those whom are from opposing sides have much greater value to me due to the challanges that they pose. savvy?
    3. Deathsight44
      Tryen to figure that one out mehself actually. I tried plotting it out b4 but I ended up going all kung-fuey while in the process of thinking of it and now I'm in pain (dam surgery)

      But ya, Idk what step to take next since I have so many options. Idk what order to put them in, ya know?
      at the moment though, I feel that I should pay visits to the less important charecters, and do what I need to do with them. Once I have the small stuff out of the way I'll get back to the big plans
    4. Deathsight44
      Me? I thought that we were talkens bout Onyx here. when did I get involved in this :P
    5. Deathsight44
      He does, but I don't like the method of just being a puppeteer. He's more of the kind who likes to control someone to an extent, cut the strings, then see what happens. :P
    6. Deathsight44
      lol, alrite. If you don't tell her though then I'll tell her first of course (if she ever tellz meh along with those questions. *grumbles*)

      and ya, you DO have a point there. Either way, I suppose everyone will get it as I get farther into my plans. *sigh* it'll be too late by then of course, but none the less. Luckily I'll be saving Riku for last, but just becuz I want things to be interesting ^_^
    7. Deathsight44
      oh no, I don't mean for you to help me, I am simply emplying that someone should've picked up on it now, since the pattern is fairly obvious....
      but none the less, until then, I'll just go about my own methods and such ^_^

      btw, if u want, u can bring up roxas with Twilight. I have confirmed that Foofy has broken the rules, and there for, can be replaced
    8. Deathsight44
      Go right ahead. I'm just taking my time really since until someone actually finds out what I'm doing, I really havn't had to put much effort into my plans. Its almost like picking daisies.........and thats just sad >.>
    9. Deathsight44
      only if you're up to it. I mean, its not that I'm bored, I'm just in one of those......
      well, you ever just feel like sitting around and being lazy and doing absolutely nothing? Its like one of those kinds of moods, ya know? lol

      but either way, its up to u, cuz if u do then it'll probably get me out of meh laziness
    10. Deathsight44
      well right now Onyx is off doing his own thing (doubt he's just gonna intrude on Yen Sid's place)

      Victra is still waiting for Marluxia's orders

      and saix......well idk what to do with Saix really, lol
    11. Deathsight44
      oh. well didn't you say that they were going to be going to TWTNW b4 to find orginization XIII?
    12. Deathsight44
      Hmm, idk. I havn't posted in it actually cuz of pure laziness, but last post of yours I read it didn't seam like you were in TWTNW. Why, have you already arrived there? (I may have read it wrong)

      and no, I don't. I've got chatango though (I dun like chat sites that involve downloading stuff, so thats why I use it)
    13. Jayn
      ...Well then...
    14. Jayn
      Hey there.
    15. Deathsight44
      lol. be glad to. Lol, lifes good when your using the laws and physics of kh ^_^
    16. Deathsight44
      Lmao, not really. Its not as dangerous as it is annoying. Trust me, you'll understand soon enough :P
    17. Deathsight44
      Not drain it. But more so......
      well, its hard to explain. He acts as an energy scource I guess you could say.
      Just think of all the things that are possible by using electricity which is generated instead of using lightning.

      Also, think of how electrolites work in the body and such, and how nerve impulses travle to the brain and such :P (don't worry, its not like its something that he uses to atk. none the less)
    18. Deathsight44
      No. Tell me if you have a problem with it though since idk how it will be, since I've never done it b4 as a power

      think of him as an electrical generator. I believe that as history has shown, due to certain machines that exsist, it should be able to show how his powers may be possible.
    19. Deathsight44
      Ik what ur getten at, but thats not the kind of thing that I was planning on focusing on. as a matter a fact.........

      hmm, I think I have an understanding now. See, its not that he doesn't use electricity, its how he uses it. He doesnt fire it out, he more so......transports and controls it. Its hard to explain, but after taking considerable thought to it, I'm confident that you'll understand on a reasonable level. Just know that it isn't the same as Larxene's power.
    20. Deathsight44

      Though I may try and see if I can have my powers changed, since recognizing this, it might not be exsactly the message that I wanted to get across since everyone probably assumes that my power literally is lightning.
      But since it isn't, do you think I should try and have it changed? (I wanna make sure since unlike water, I actually have to consider things first b4 I actually do them >.>)
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

