Last Activity:
Sep 17, 2024
Jan 15, 2007
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Nov 8, 1991 (Age: 33)
Ellensburg, WA
Shift Manager


Chaser, Male, 33, from Ellensburg, WA


"We stand before a great darkness, but remember, darkness can't exist where light is. Let's be that light!" —Rean Schwarzer Feb 4, 2023

Amaury was last seen:
Sep 17, 2024
    1. Iskandar
      how many tiems are you going to switch your name from pokemon to pokemon?
    2. Misty
    3. Misty
      I started with Pokemon Silver, which was one of my first video games ever. From there I played Sapphire and Fire Red. I also played Red and Yellow for a while but both games were borrowed and I never finished them.
    4. Misty
      I lost interest in the show when they replaced Misty with May. I still played the games, though.
    5. Misty
      I kind of stopped watching Pokemon after Johto.
    6. Stardust
    7. AMRES
      Alrighty then. =)
    8. AMRES
      Oh; sorry if I was bothering you.
    9. AMRES
      Nothing much; watching YouTube videos.

      What about you?
    10. AMRES
      Hey there =)
    11. Llave
      Im sorry I can't help ya on that...
    12. Stardust
      Ooh, that doesn't sound good x: . Odd that it would happen, too.
    13. Misty
      Oh, didn't notice.
    14. Llave
      Killers in disguise~
    15. Iskandar
      oh yeah, there was that too
    16. Iskandar
      Hoo boy. I got tired of that game after I played the first few minutes of KHII. I just really couldn't get back into the controls. Even after I started playing it again after a while I still couldn't quite get back into it. The controls are just way too funky
    17. Iskandar
      wait, you did the first kingdom hearts bosses as well? T.T How could you do that? Man, I really don't know exactly how to critique KH bosses. KHII are something else because of the abilities and everything, but KH didn't really have much to it. It was always like 4 or 5 combos(I only ever got 4, since I never even got to lv70. It was too much of a pain) and so the only thing you could critique is how a person went about fighting a boss
    18. Iskandar
      I'll get to doing the others, but right now I want to take a break. I caught up, so it doesn't really matter when I get to the earlier ones at this point.
    19. Iskandar
      Throne Battle 1st - This fight probably isn't the best place to use limits, but it's probably better than using them right away at the beginning of the 3rd battle. You did pretty well on this one, finishing it up very nicely and quickly. Nothing really to say about it. Quick and easy, that's the way you should do at the first battle.

      Dragon Form - This battle is all about attacking with the small lasers against your enemies and then using the big laser to finish it off. Attacking the nobodies can get them to explode on the dragon and even cause you to finish that part without using the laser. But all you need to do is use your laser and absorb the oncoming attacks. ANd you did that pretty well. Although, you moves around too much. You don't need to move around on this. If you do that it takes longer than you need it to. This battle you can basically stay is one place without any trouble. Until you get attacked by the huge amount of missles and those shining laswer things. But there's not much to say about this fight. You really just moved around too much and caused yourself to take more time than necessary for this fight.

      2nd Throne Battle - Evne for me, this battle is always a pain just because of the stupid gravity. Getting flown away isn't the annoyance, it's jumping to get closer and waiting too long to get in an attack only for you to get thrown away again a second later. But this fight you really just want to attack as much as possible, stay in the center because of the lasers he attacks you with, and you can't get close. But you did use a limit way too early in the game. It is one of the stronger of limit breaks in the game, but even still, you don't want to spam it, just because of the time it takes for one attack.
      And when you're flying towards Xemnas, you want to jump out of the way of those lasers, otherwise you see how much damage you take. If you jump out of the way of the lasers, you can fly straight towards Xemnas. And the other part about using limits on this fight is because when you take enough time, or when you take enough damage, I'm not sure which, he just becomes immune to damage, so you're wasting your MP for only 2 hits of a full limit. This is definately a fight that Quick Dash comes in handy, but it's not really required, it just makes it a little easier and faster.

      Final Form - This is a battle that you want to make sure you're locked on as much as possible, because his stupid teleporting and cloning can become a pain. However, I did find out during the last time that I fought him that when you use an Aerial combo, you can hit him and his clone at the same time, so you don't have to worry about the clones. And with the lasers you really too much on Riku's Dark Shield. That moves doesn't really help unless you get it at the right time, and even then it only works so much. I find that blocking or using Aerial Dodge works a lot better for the lasers. Using Reflect will keep you from taking any damage, but you'll need that MP, and also it doesn't damage Xemnas because he disappears right away. You did fairly well on this fight, but using that Trinity Limit helped you get through this a lot faster. Believe me though when I say, you don't want to be spamming that on Proud Mode. I fought him on Proud Mode on my last file, at like lv80's or something, and he kept spamming that zig-zag attack or whatever with the reversal command, and the lasers, so using Trinity Limit can cause you to lose MP when you need it to heal. Luckily for you though, you managed to get through him without any trouble.
      And if you're going to use a magic spell for finishing a boss fight, you should use thunder. It makes a much cooler final stance XD
    20. Misty
      Hm? What are you talking about?
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  • About

    Nov 8, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Ellensburg, WA
    Shift Manager


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