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Dec 8, 2011
Sep 3, 2009
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Oct 29, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
I'm Venezuelan, So what? You got a Problem?
¿Who are you... Again?


Twilight Town Denizen, 30, from I'm Venezuelan, So what? You got a Problem?

Alex856 was last seen:
Dec 8, 2011
    1. Xaale
      Hallo :'D I'm decent, and you?
    2. Xaale
    3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      That's good.

      Oh and:

      I'll update my RL deck sometime today or tomorrow, if you can help me find the cards pictures via PM I'd appreciate it ^^
      My Deck will have some flaws, if you can cover some of them I'll also appreciate it Jaden ^^

      No matter how other people treat you, I'll always be respectful towards you :'D
      Even If I look stupid xD
      Sure. Put them in an album and I'll help you. I kinda have a bad habit of hording PMs...>.>

      And thanks man. That means alot to me.[IMG]
    4. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      My suspicions were correct...

      And well, It's because he's an a-hole...=/ That's all there is to it...=/
    5. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I'm adding you right now.
    6. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I still don't know how they go about typing in Japanese on a keyboard. There are like 30 something symbols for hirigana and katakana and then there's kanji which there are WAY too many of. I guess they only use hirigana when you type in Japanese.

      Learning together would make it easier and more fun in my opinion. I can teach some of the few basics that I know since I know more than you at the moment. I can send a small PM about how Japanese works if you want me to.
    7. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Google translator is only able to translate Japanese if it's like this: 私はガーディアンソウル午前. If you just type out something like yami, it won't do anything unfortunately. So do you plan on learning Japanese someday? Apparently speaking Japanese is WAY easier than writing in Japanese.
    8. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      You made a small mistake. Yamino doesn't mean darkness; Yami does. He was probably saying Yami no "add something here". No is basically like "de" in Spanish and Portuguese. It shows possession. So a phrase like "kokoro no yami" would be translated to " the heart's darkness" and there's a new word for you, kokoro means heart. I don't know the kanji for it yet though; I just know the romanization of it.
    9. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I know Hikari can mean light but what do Yamino and Izzudate mean? I'm trying to memorize all of the symbols. I've only have a e i o u down at the moment.
    10. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Yes I did know that already and that's why I'm getting them. I'm planning on emulating Persona 2 someday. I would play the first one for the PS1 but I hear the localization butchered it and I don't have a PSP to play the remake ;-;

      Yes the novel is in English. I got a translation patch for the game. I am planning to learn Japanese though. It's pretty hard memorize all of it though. So far I'm learning the hirigana, then katakana, and finally I'll learn some kanji.

      I also hasn't snowed in my town. NEVER! It only snows in the south of Brazil.
    11. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      The PS2 games aren't boring per se. I just don't have any money to buy new ones at the moment. I'm planning on buying the Persona games soon though.

      So far Fate/Stay Night is pretty good. It's a Japansese visual novel which is basically a book since you're reading most of the time but it also has character portraits, music, and cutscenes to accompany it. So imagine a book that has pictures, music and CG to accompany it. Not really a game but the Japanese consider it a game so it must be >_>

      I got to agree with you on that. My city is truly an inferno during the summer and I just can't handle it sometimes. I'm so glad that it cools down during the winter and fall C:
    12. Cloud.Strife.
      I don't know.
    13. Cloud.Strife.
      So tell me what i would do. do i upload the patch onto a KHII final mix game?
    14. Cloud.Strife.
      I wish they had a KH2 FM in english XD
    15. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      The room that most people go into is Cherry's which is

      The password is ctr

      I would play games on my PS2 but I beat all of my console games too many times and they bore me so I just downloaded a few games and started playing those on my computer. At the moment I'm playing Fate/Stay Night. It's not that much of game since it's a visual novel but nonetheless the story is interesting and I'm liking it.

      Yea it's winter over here since I live in the part of Brazil that is in the Southern Hemisphere. My city isn't that cold. It only showers every now and then but it's not too bad. It does get chilly during the night though which I can deal with.
    16. C
      And of course who could forget the classic: TURN TO DARKNESS! ? I love Ansem c:
    17. C
      Yeah, especially since I did everything I could to get away from the attack that puts the heartless in you, which just means he does it again, and again, and again. To be young and innocent again...
    18. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I think Wolfie has only deleted about 20 of my post. I think most of them were made ages ago like back in 08 or something when I barely posted but I don't really mind.

      I don't think Voxli is gonna revive anytime soon since most people have moved onto Tinychat which has more features. You should check out. It's pretty awesome in there. The drama this summer isn't that bad...or at least not that bad compared to the past summers.

      I'm not doing much at the moment. I'm out of school for winter break and I've just been lazing around and mostly playing games on my computer.
    19. C
      Yay, I feel special now :'D
      I still loved it though, Ansem had one of the best voiceactors I've ever heard. I always tried to say SUBMIT! everytime he said it, I just loved it.
    20. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      I've started posting a lot more lately so I can get there faster. If only people were active, I could get there faster.
      So what's up with you?
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  • About

    Oct 29, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    I'm Venezuelan, So what? You got a Problem?
    ¿Who are you... Again?
    Why don't you just ask me? xD I don't bite after all...

    Soccer, Facebook, MSN, Playng Games ^^


    [​IMG] <----- Credit to Jade ^^

    I SOOOOOOOO, Need like a new Signature. :c