Last Activity:
Dec 27, 2023
Feb 24, 2007
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Overcooked poptart
Oct 29, 1992 (Age: 32)


【DRAGON BALLSY】, Overcooked poptart, 32

Advent was last seen:
Dec 27, 2023
    1. Atlas
      What the hell. The only prescription for my pain is more pain?

      Eh, you sound like a real doctor anyway.

      Today my spotter dropped the bar on me. It ****ing hurt.
    2. scarred_heart634
      like spins and jumps and such? i can do a couple ^^
    3. Juicy
      Someone loves me? 8D

      omg yay x3

      I love you too. <3
      Im going to ramble about my day. Ill try and stay up later tonight, Im actually pretty determined to catch you xD

      So, I wake up and there is like five inches of snow so Im like 8DDDD and school is cancelled xD So some of my friends are like ohoho we'll come to yours then we'll break into the school field (its a good place to sledge xD )
      So it was like really awesome at first 8D and we ran across the frozen lake and I went flying a few times and we went into the park xDD and it was amusing because two of my friends we're flirting a ridiculous amount and it was obvious so I was laughing, then Dan comes up behind me and rugby tackles me to the ground o.o which was kinda odd xD

      But then it got suckish D< We went to the field and Ieuan and kyle and stuff are there and Ieuan takes off his coat and his hoodie has "Ioan" on it. So Im like o_o "You do realise Ioan means John, right?" and he's like "meh, its the closest they had to ieuan". And where we were was nearest to my house so I took a few people back because it was snowing like a blizzard, and I leave to get drinks from the garage and all the guys are looking through my clothes washing in the room where the washing machine is o_o so Im like wtf stop it my underwear is in there xD It was disturbing D< But compared to what they did after it was nothing, I dont actually care about that much anymore. So suddenly loads of boys from my year appear outside and start chucking snowballs at my windows. At first it was funny, but then I was like stop because it ws getting annoying and my parents would go ballistic. So Kyles there and Im like Kyle ****ing stop it, it isnt funny anymore, but he goes **** you then puts a freakin' block of ice in his hand and cracks the window panes o_o so now when my parents get home I have to explain to them why a window is half smashed and why hannah is crying D< (she claims I put snow in her favourite shoes ._. *no comment*)

      Rant over 8D
      damn, its raining. I was hoping for another snow day, with less tools D<
      long message is long @_@
    4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    5. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
    6. Atlas
      Dr Izzle i need a perscription.

      I finally lifted some weights today in weight lifting class. My everything hurts what do i do.

      Going to bed, but send me something for the morning i need something to make this better. And you're a doctor, right?
    7. scarred_heart634
      figure skating lol

      i'm good little bit bored but thats normal how are you??
    8. Juicy
      It hurts dragging myself away from you.

      But Ill pull through.

      My hero is waiting for me as close as Thursday. <3
    9. Juicy
      I hate it when that happens. I remember wales losing at rugby because of a mistaken tri. D: (A tri is a score in rugby xD )

      Four languages 8D *motions to german* B|

      *cuddles softly*

      Hello there, gorgeous x3
    10. scarred_heart634
      i hate skating practice it sucks
      btw hi ^^
    11. Juicy
      Everyone is saying he was in bounds though xDDD
      d' aww x3

      Yeah, the spanish version you sent me failed to send D:
      So I was like DDDDD:

      Re-send soon? =D


    12. Juicy
      O lawdy not this again xDDD x3

      Y and yr both mean the xD But you use Yr if the next word starts with a vowel B| or random cases like with ser 8D Yes we're confusing xD
      Ahh, I see. Fwrdd is a mutation, "bwrdd" actually means table, it didnt make sense to me at first xD


      Erm... Im guessing the steelers won, then? *fell asleep* xD

      Hetti ap Peter at your service B|
    13. Juicy
      Heh heh heh.... the welsh equivelent of your name is "Ioan ap John" xDDD

      Which is strangely like Ieuan o__o

      my welsh name is "Hetti ap Peter"

      No idea why Im telling you this. xD
      Ioan kind of suits you though B| If you know how to say it xD
      Its like "Yo-un" xD
    14. Juicy
      *Bottles your sappiness* Keep it for later B|

      Heh heh, it makes me laugh that all your "B|" 's in texts come out as the word "bi" xD

      *rages at time zones also* Its your fault 0:3 British people are obviously in the correct time zone, since we're + 0. I demand America changes. Yes, they can sleep in the daylight B| 8D

      xDDD Im not sure that welsh made much sense x3
      ar fwrdd means like, aboard or away somewhere... hmm... and o dan yr sêr.. well, you know what that means x3

      Sorry if Im a bit of a strict teacher >8D

      Dont feel so bad about being out all of yesterday <3 It was amusing to watch the superbowl on my british channels, and it felt nice knowing you were watching it to 8D
      Speaking of which, I dont even know who won o.O
      I was sleepy and I fell asleep... my quilt was too cozy x3
    15. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo

      RANDOM NINJA! :ninja:
    16. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      My school team! Oh heck yeah I'm spirited like that.

      Oh that is going to suck, I wish you luck, maybe everyone won't talk about it too much.
    17. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Bah, it's the truth though. Although I am learning some about it.

      I know what you mean by that though. Well the bandwagoners were right, they did win.
    18. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Oh goodness, those must be very big bitches then.

      I'll just admit right now that I really don't know too much about football.
    19. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      No, I cleaned through it.
    20. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      No, just my room,
      it was a hugeeee mess.
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  • About

    Overcooked poptart
    Oct 29, 1992 (Age: 32)


    Yahoo! Messenger:

