Nov 8, 2009
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April 10


Moogle Assistant, Female, from Tokyo

Does anyone still use this? Aug 14, 2021

    1. Saxibelle
      =D I love the cha cha slide!! -dances with you-
      Weeeeeelcome back!
    2. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      FYUM doesn't have a meaning... xD It's like SFX or something? xD Instead of saying phew I go FYUM. LAWL. I'm random. xD

      Yeah... not from US. I are from Southeast Asia. Philippines to be exact. xD
    3. XIII-roxas
      either am i. but im involved, so it makes sence.

      (sorry, i accidnetaly pressed "post" a bit to early)
    4. XIII-roxas
      why not?
      it comes with a car. thats where the watermelon is.
      omg thats like the epic smiley EVER!
      yeah. were CHEESE. mice EAT cheese. and seeing that cats are made of cheese, cats dont eat mice anymore.
      good idea. but then we could eat them...

      yep. :lolface: <-(i am so editing that on paint into a backround...)
    5. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Yes... the coldness is awesome! *high fives back* FYUM... Arizona huh? Wonder how it is there... I've never been to any other country because I have motion sickness. xD
    6. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      LOL yeah... the sun is releasing its full revenge or something right now.... ice creammmmm... DD: *sigh* Raining... I love the rain. xD Wait... what part of the world do you live in anyway? :S
    7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      I wish I could draw like that :lolface:
      Do they look close enough to the older versions? :=D:
      Mummy did a good job, yes? :=D:
      Thankz ^^ I try
      Hakuna Matata!!!
      P.S. ...
      P.S.S. *dies*
      P.S.S.S. I wish I did ^^

    8. XIII-roxas
      indeed you do see. thats right, you didnt think i gave up on that joke, did you now?
      oh, ok.
      you dont like cookies? dam...how about...umm...a watermellon?
      its like a bacon and egg mcmuffin or a sauasage mcmuffin. you know, those burger things you get from mcdonalds breakfast?
      it better. other wise i cant play any mmorpgs (good ones anyways) until this computer stops this maddness (madness? this..is...KINGDOM HEARTS! WTF!?!) or i get my own...and im using my christmas money to buy kh 1 and chain of memories...
      well, if people were made of cheese, we would have CHEESE cats and CHEESE dogs, with CHEESE people, with CHEESE houses on a CHEESE planet, where mice are murderers and posion or anything else like that would be a stove. atomic bombs would be a nuclear stove. O_o...and aliens would be crackers, hoping to eat themselves with us as a tasty snack. and cheese and crackers would be humans and peanutbutter? XD
      just an idea.
      hmmm...now i cant come up with anything. i wonder how hi evolutes into this kinda conversation?
    9. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Well no... The house is locked from the inside secured with a padlock. D: And well... I had to bang on the window and scream for my dad and text my mom just to open the door, because the sun was killing me. D:
    10. XIII-roxas
      yep. still cant find that episode...
      i thought i said i was random one? i do things that have no purpose whatsoever.
      because i found out what it is. but now im just giving you cookie.
      yeah...unfortunetly, my computer is still an idiot, so it wont even let me play the sims.
      this is sad. our conversation is getting shorter. i think we need a new subject. and i HATE having to come up with a new subject...oh well..
    11. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Nothing much... just got locked out of my house for 30 minutes, that's all. xDD greenbounce
    12. aquaeyes146
      nm and i can say the same thing only i have a reason lol my g-ma and g-pa are in town :D
    13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      No that's just the pic XD
      Ok so here's the link!
      Now Kami and Akito are on page 1 (Note: look for my OCs)
      Mei is on page 25 (towards the bottom posts)
      And Koyashi is on page 158 (at the very top)
      Dun use it 3:<
      P.S. ok :3
      P.S.S. *never seen again*
      P.S.S.S. Not sure but I didn't draw them..
    14. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      me: *sighs* poor dem-dem
      roxas: well.. i would name them the girl serenity is good the boy i want to name him... reion
      xaldin: aww
      luxord: *drunk as usaul*
      axel/reno: BEA uiful! T_T
      larxene: wtf?
      zexion: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!*chain saw ruuning in his hands turn on*
      ienzo: rofl
      panini: daddy! T_T STOP!!
      demyx: no zexy im sorry i read you're diary!! and use you're undies just in case! T_T
      zexion: O_O....you...read...my..book..and..use..my...CLTHES OH YOU ARE SOOO DEAD!! >:/
    15. aquaeyes146
      hiya wats up???
    16. Lovely Phantasmagoria
      Lovely Phantasmagoria
      You're welcome. :D
    17. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      ^_^zexion's real wife^_^
      me: doc said it's going to be a boy and girl..
      xemnas; how about serinity and..
      vexen: mansex!!
      me:=_=.....no vexen
      larxene: aku
      axel: no larxene..
      aqua: oh ven! ^_^
      ven: uhh.. my name.
      aqua: ventus!
      ven: oh..:0
      aqua: yepo name them serinity and ventus ^_^
      demyx: zexy!!!!!! no!
      zexion: *got chain saw in his hands*
      ienzo: yep that's dad ^_^
    18. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      That's my word!!!
      P.S. huh?
      P.S.S. *goes into the unknown and swollowed into a black hole*
      P.S.S.S. Yayzum!!!
    19. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Yeah Kami is really pretty ^^
      Nel is cute!!! XD
      Wanna go on a hunt to see what they looked like before?
      (Note: Charas are for an rp I''m in and there's a part 3 that takes place 5 years later so i needed them to look older)
    20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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  • About

    April 10


    One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.
    "Which road do I take?" she asked.
    "Where do you want to go?" was his response.
    "I don't know," Alice answered.
    "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."