KH-Vids | Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media

Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media, Kingdom Hearts news. Kingdom Hearts discussion, cutscenes, cheats, and more!

The official Japanese Kingdom Hearts Twitter account has announced in the Tweet above that the official Japanese portal website for the Kingdom Hearts series has been relaunched, and will be updated regularly. No word yet on what kind of updates they will be, but as we approach the release of Kingdom Hearts III this year, it is something we'll be keeping a close eye on.
The news drought is over! Praise whatever god you like!

The voice actor for Hades, just announced that English voice work for Kingdom Hearts III is happening! Perhaps the scenes from the Orchestra trailer will be shown soon with English voice work? :O

What do you guys think about the news? Looking forward to seeing more tweets like this in the future?


Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 11,525,308 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 11,482,546 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Taiyuki followed with 35,222 Lux, and @Phil Coulson with 7,540 Lux.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 2,145,835,470 Lux! The top scorer was @Cat~ with 1,381,113,683 Lux—about 64% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 625,465,658 Lux, and @Noizless with 72,035,681 Lux.

In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 2,488,467,411 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 2,324,393,706 Lux—about 93% of the party's earnings. @61 followed with 85,983,289 Lux, and @~Acy_XIII~ with 78,090,416 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 4,205,834,519 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 4,175,849,367 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 14,992,576 Lux.

In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 6,855,677,410 Lux! The top scorer was @GarrettFinch with 3,522,559,045 Lux—about 51% of the party's earnings. @Swordsman_John followed with 1,709,988,511 Lux, and @Plums with 897,649,029 Lux.
  1. KHV_Unicornis
  2. KHV_Ursus
  3. KHV_Anguis
  4. KHV_Leopardus
  5. KHV_Vulpes
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! You've maintained your top position for three consecutive weeks and have earned the Party Don't Stop pin! Keep up the good work!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Fearless, Cat~, Explode, tamale, and GarrettFinch! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
Completed: Piano Man
A huge thanks to everyone who decided to participate this month. It has been a lot of fun doing this song with you all. I hope to see everyone out next month for our Broadway themed Chorus, we are always welcoming new people, come check it out!

Mr/Ms. KHV
Ah lovely lovely, look at all those beautiful faces out there. Perfect. Just the perfect candidates for my new project. Yes so many lovely faces out there, it will be hard to choose, hard to come up with a winner for this. Yes, there only must be one winner for my new project.... Wait you mean I haven't told you what my new project is yet? I will have to get right on that. Eh-hem. Welcome one and all to KHV's newest annual event. What is this event, you ask? Well that is simple, it is a beauty pageant of course.... well it isn't just a beauty pageant, it is more complicated than that. You see there are far too many beautiful faces and far too many shy people out there to just base this on looks, that would be too hard to decide then. No, now is a time for your inner beauty and creativity to shine through. What does that mean for you? Well that is simple, it means that you, the contestants will be put through a series of creative challenges to see just how beautiful you are, and how much you love this site... You do love this site right? Well of course you do! Who am I kidding everyone loves this site. Anyhoo, you will be put through a series of challenges, whether that be dressing up, writing something for me, or drawing stick figures and pretending that they are keyblade wielders. You will have a week to complete each task, and at the end of the week your work will be judged by our beautiful panel of judges, as well as your peers. Everyone gets a say in who wins or who loses. At the end of April the person with the most points wins. Simple as that. What do you win you ask? Well you win this beautiful pin!


There are rules though, nothing is without rules. Rules are what make things fun for everyone. Let me go over those rules for you:
  1. Please get your projects in on time. There will be no extensions. If you don't get your entries in for that round you will get no points.
  2. No voting for yourself. Contestants are welcome to vote in the polls but only when voting for other people.
  3. The entries will be anonymous, the challenges will be sent out through PM and the entries will come in through PM. When the entries are posted for voting, there will be no names attached.
  4. While points are scored through both voting and judging, most of the score will come from the judging. So the results at the end of each week might not be what you expect.
  5. You will be judged on the following criteria where applicable: Use of Prompt, Creativity, and inclusion of KHV.
  6. Have fun!
  7. Support your competitors.
Sign ups will cut off when the first challenge is sent out on April first. If you want to be included make sure you post in this thread to show your interest. All are welcome to join!

*Credit to Midnight for helping come up with this idea