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Mr/Mrs KHV Winner
After weeks of challenges and harsh judging, a winner has finally been decided. Everyone was so beautiful, so wonderful. I don't know how any of our judges decided. I am glad I didn't have to judge it, I think it might have been impossible. Either way they did it and I am sure you are all done listening to me ramble on about this and just wanted to know who actually won. Well that is easy, here we go.

In Fifth Place we have @Rat with 0 Points
In Fourth Place we have @GarrettFinch with 11 Points
In Third Place we have @LadyAzura with 18 Points
In Second Place we have @Day~Dream with 28 Points
And in First Place we have

@Mixt !!!!! With 39 Points

Congratulations to everyone! If any of the contestants want to know the scoring for their entries, feel free to talk to me in private and I will happily share the judges scoring with you. Otherwise, good luck next you, I hope to see all your beautiful faces again.

Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 192,269 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 187,797 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @Thor followed with 4,472 Lux.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 1,684,099,139 Lux! The top scorer was @Cat~ with 1,480,161,471 Lux—about 88% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 97,193,834 Lux, and @KSoleAngel with 59,373,946 Lux.

In third place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 2,171,441,707 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 1,718,578,791 Lux—about 79% of the party's earnings. @61 followed with 419,193,345 Lux, and @~Acy_XIII~ with 33,669,550 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 2,179,646,175 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 2,179,645,798 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 377 Lux.

In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 2,350,964,542 Lux! The top scorer was @Plums with 753,637,854 Lux—about 32% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 707,512,323 Lux, and @Swordsman_John with 419,568,043 Lux.
  1. KHV_Unicornis
  2. KHV_Ursus
  3. KHV_Anguis
  4. KHV_Leopardus
  5. KHV_Vulpes
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Fearless, Cat~, Explode, tamale, and Plums! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
It looks like Larxene will be returning for Kingdom Hearts III! When asked by sopar on twitter, her voice actress, Shanelle Gray, confirmed her involvement.

What do you think this means for Kingdom Hearts 3? Are you excited?
Square-Enix's Japanese online store added a listing for a Kingdom Hearts-themed umbrella. The umbrella is scheduled to be released on June 29th, and can be pre-ordered for ¥ 2,916 (about $26.68). No word on whether the umbrella will be released internationally. Check out images of the umbrella below:

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.PNG 5.PNG

Utada Hikaru, the singer and songwriter of Kingdom Hearts' theme songs, will be celebrating 20 years in the music industry this year! To celebrate, she will be released her seventh studio album titled "HATSUKOI (meaning: First Love)" on Jun 27th, 2018.

The album will contain 12 songs including “Hatsukoi” (from the Japanese TV drama “Hana Nochi Hare – Hanadan Next Season”), “Forevermore” (from the Japanese TV Drama Gommen, Aishiteru ), and “Chikai” ( the Kingdom Hearts III theme song).
