KH-Vids | Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media

Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media, Kingdom Hearts news. Kingdom Hearts discussion, cutscenes, cheats, and more!


Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 60,934 Lux! The top scorer was @LadyAzura with 60,934 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 84,163,544 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 83,899,741 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @~Master Xehanort~ followed with 263,803 Lux.

In third place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 3,038,935,660 Lux! The top scorer was @Cat~ with 3,038,834,224 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 101,436 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 9,597,462,558 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 9,597,462,558 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In first place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 16,742,849,851 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 16,742,849,851 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.
  1. KHV_Ursus
  2. KHV_Anguis
  3. KHV_Leopardus
  4. KHV_Vulpes
  5. KHV_Unicornis
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Ursus! Master Aced would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—LadyAzura, Fearless, Cat~, Explode, and tamale! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!

Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since our last update, but I’m confident in saying this one is worth the wait. After months of work, I’m happy to announce the Kingdom Hearts III cutscenes - without subtitles and Kingdom Key only - are now online! I’ve put more work into these cutscenes than I probably should have, so let me explain what makes them special.

Unfortunately KH3’s cutscenes run somewhat poorly: they have random frame stutters on a pretty regular basis. To counteract this, I recorded nearly every scene multiple times and edited together the best shots, so everything should be smooth as butter.

On top of that, I went the extra mile and timed my gameplay recordings so that the music loops and continues properly through different scenes. So for example if there’s a cutaway scene in the middle of a boss battle, the music will pick up right where it left off in the scene before, rather than having an awkward cut. Timing it just right was pretty tricky (can’t tell you how long I splashed around in that damn pond with Rapunzel waiting for the music to loop, only for her to run away at the last second), but the result is quite nice.

Now that I’m done patting myself on the back, feel free to download the Kingdom Hearts III Cutscenes. And as always, check out our Cutscene Archive for HD scenes from the entire series.

We are leaving the previously-recorded subtitled KH3 cutscenes up for those who need them, but note that the subtitle-free version is the definitive version, and will be the only one receiving updates of future content.

That’s it for now, but when something new comes out I’ll Re:Mind ya!

Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 1,743,178 Lux! The top scorer was @LadyAzura with 1,743,178 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 63,439,933 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 61,363,854 Lux—about 97% of the party's earnings. @~Master Xehanort~ followed with 2,076,079 Lux.

In third place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 664,323,126 Lux! The top scorer was @Noizless with 521,337,351 Lux—about 78% of the party's earnings. @Haseo followed with 142,985,775 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 10,435,523,281 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 10,435,523,281 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In first place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 12,837,031,178 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 12,782,212,273 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @~Acy_XIII~ followed with 54,818,905 Lux.
  1. KHV_Anugis
  2. KHV_Ursus
  3. KHV_Leopardus
  4. KHV_Vulpes
  5. KHV_Unicornis
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Anguis! Master Invi would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for one more week to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—LadyAzura, Fearless, Noizless, tamale, and Explode! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!

Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 102,438 Lux! The top scorer was @LadyAzura with 102,438 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 48,090,939 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 48,072,473 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @~Master Xehanort~ followed with 18,466 Lux.

In third place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 6,113,106,088 Lux! The top scorer was @Cat~ with 5,570,291,356 Lux—about 91% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 542,660,756 Lux, and @Haseo with 153,976 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 10,876,350,935 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 10,876,350,935 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In first place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 19,510,529,049 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 19,510,318,577 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Odamadillo followed with 210,472 Lux.
  1. KHV_Anguis
  2. KHV_Ursus
  3. KHV_Leopardus
  4. KHV_Vulpes
  5. KHV_Unicornis
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Anguis! Master Invi would be thrilled with all your work! Maintain your top position for two more weeks to earn the Party Don't Stop pin!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—LadyAzura, Fearless, Cat~, tamale, and Explode! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!

Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

In fifth place this week is KHV_Leopardus with a total of 8,986 Lux! The top scorer was @Haseo with 8,986 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In fourth place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 1,012,614 Lux! The top scorer was @LadyAzura with 1,012,614 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In third place this week is KHV_Vulpes with a total of 66,574,409 Lux! The top scorer was @Fearless with 64,943,664 Lux—about 98% of the party's earnings. @~Master Xehanort~ followed with 1,630,745 Lux.

In second place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 5,120,957,150 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 5,120,957,150 Lux—exactly 100% of the party's earnings.

In first place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 18,312,049,329 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 17,259,404,649 Lux—about 94% of the party's earnings. @~Acy_XIII~ followed with 1,052,644,680 Lux.
  1. KHV_Anguis
  2. KHV_Ursus
  3. KHV_Vulpes
  4. KHV_Unicornis
  5. KHV_Leopardus
Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Anguis! Master Invi would be thrilled with all your work! You've maintained your top position for three consecutive weeks and have earned the Party Don't Stop pin! Keep up the good work!

Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—Haseo, LadyAzura, Fearless, tamale, and Explode! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!