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Buried in the Press Release for Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapater Prologue, Square Enix has announced that the Kingdom Hearts series has shipped more than 21 million copies since the series began back in 2002!


Just announced at Sony's TGS Conference, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue is the newest HD collection for the series and will be released exclusively on the PS4. It will include Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD as well as two brand new chapters - Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] Back Cover and Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-.

Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] Back Cover will be a movie that tells the mysterious story of the Foretellers and will connect the earliest parts of the series showcased in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ [chi]. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage- is a completely new playable episode that stars Aqua and serves as a prologue to Kingdom Hearts III and takes place after the events of Birth by Sleep.

This collection is scheduled to release in 2016.

List of titles to be included in the collection:
KH3dHD.png chibackcover.png bbs02.png

Screenshots from the collection:
Event_sora.jpg event_d1_OFF.jpg battle_riku2_FIX.jpg BC_US.jpg KH0.jpg
yoko-shimomura-2202.jpg [​IMG]
As this year's D23 Japan Expo approaches, many are wondering what might the Kingdom Hearts event there involve. Well, Disney has released the first info on the event, revealing two special guests who will attend, Yoko Shimomura and Hiroyuki Nakayama. Shimomura is well known among KH fans as the composer behind the music in the series. Nakayama is a less known name, but whose contribution is still important, having worked on previous Kingdom Hearts soundtracks as a pianist/arranger. Could their appearance mean a special performance for D23 attendees?
This week on the KH-Vids Podcast @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Princess ♥ to discuss the corporate structure of the video game industry! Inspired by the release of Metal Gear Solid V, we cover the drama surrounding its release and the Konami/Hideo Kojima breakup, and how gamers can choose not to support certain business practices by not purchasing games. We extend the conversation to anti-consumer DLC and preorder practices within the video game industry, and the break that indie games offer from that system.

As per usual, we answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe taunts @Misty with a Final Fantasy XIII themed question and
@Kingdom Hearts530 wants to know about our favorite anime and manga. For our Table Topics, everyone's inner murderer comes to light and we appreciate our worldly possessions.

It's a fun-filled episode of the KH-Vids Podcast for gamers across the globe!

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Over at LinkedIn, a game designer named Richard W. VanDeventer, who worked on several projects such as Mighty No. 9 and Lost Planet 3, has listed two Kingdom Hearts projects he has worked on from August 2014 to this last June. One of them is obviously Kingdom Hearts III. The other Kingdom Hearts project is called Kingdom Hearts 2.9 (listed as a PS3 and PS4 game). A screenshot of VanDeventer's LinkedIn profile can be viewed below:

Could Kingdom Hearts 2.9 be a Dream Drop Distance HD remake? Also, based on what VanDeventer wrote under the Kingdom Hearts III section, could we finally be seeing Pixar worlds in KH3?

via LinkedIn*

* - Need a LinkedIn account to access the profile page.