So right before I left for math class, I thought "Man, I really don't wanna go to this class... I wish it was cancelled. But there's no way, she doesn't cancel class... still, maybe if I wish reeeeeeeeeeeally hard..." So I walk all the way over there, and there's a piece of paper on the door saying "MAT 214-08: CANCELLED April 27, 2009." OH YEAH!! TAKE THAT HARRY POTTER!! Unfortunately, apparently my shoes decided to punish me for not wanting to learn and cut into my heels, so not only did I walk the 20 minutes there and back for nothing, but now I am injured. ...Maybe I'm not magical. I'm an alchemist. Equivalent exchange, man. Equivalent exchange.
0_0 OMG.... We've had math classes cancelled. Can you cancel English classes as well? I will love you forever if you can xD
All right, but what are you all willing to give up in exchange for my power?? Yes. Yes I am. Fullmetal's got nothing on me. Bring it on, shorty.
ooh, you should use your powers for good not evil! (but just so you know, I have math 2nd block tomorrow =D Go karma alchemist! Go!)