I was just reading this thread, and wow. Zelda repeats a lot. I'm playing the old Link's Awakening for GB and it has a lot of those in there. hookshot, moving tombstones, laser statues, power bracelet, etc. I'm not complaining (I don't like to rag on games I haven't played yet) but it looks like a lot of things get passed on from one game to the next with only minor revisions. What do you guys think about content recycling in Zelda and just games in general?
Well using the similar things is common in series. If they didnt, then it'd just be a whole new game. Like in Zelda, whenever they have an adventure in Hyrule you'll see the same things as other Hyrulian adventures. They may change slighty but its mostly the same to keep a certain feel constant throughtout. But when they do have adventures in other areas (i.e. Termina, the Great Sea, Holodrum, Labrynna), ememies, landscapes, people, etc.. do change enough so that its different enough from the others. This is pretty much the same for most games.
lol, asking why a Zelda game has a Hookshot and a Bomb Bag is like asking, "Hey, why do Kingdom Hearts games keep using Keyblades!?", or "Hey, why is Master Chief still using guns!?", it's a staple of the series. The 3D Zelda's like OoT are a completely different experience from that of the 2D Zeldas like Link's Awakening, so even though staple things like a Hookshot or a Moblin might be present in both, but the experience of playing both are very unique from one another. Have you played any other Zeldas?
I'm not complaining and I know they need to have some things similar but some of them seem a bit rediculous. Like the tomb stone moving for exaple. You don't use a puzzle solution as a staple but it's the same for both. I played the tutorial of Wind Waker at my friend's house.