Its almost been a full year, but I finally got my 360 back! Of course, my Live subscription is expired, but I'm planning on getting it renewed with the month. Add me if you're bored. Here are the games I had when I got it taken away, and some new ones I just bought this afternoon: - Assassin's Creed - The Darkness - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance - Forza Motorsport 2 - Halo 3 - Call of Duty 4 Just bought: Guitar Hero II Guitar Hero III Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Guitar Hero: World Tour (YAY!) GTA IV Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe Fable II The Last Remant Lost Odyssey Oblivion Devil May Cry 4 Whew... Yeah, I'm excited. I've got two cases of energy drinks (Lost & Monster FTW!), and the rest of this 4 day weekend is going to be ****ing awesome. GAMERTAG: W7F