Got my scanner up :'D aaaand this is where I realise that my scanner doesn't pick up on some of the more delicate shading ;~; her skin looks completely white when in reality it isnt, I drew shadows. ~ CnC? :B
Wow, this is really good. The nose looks a bit big, but other then that, it's wonderful. The breast looks a bit floppy as well. >: But it's great. Keep it up. :noworries:
It's really damn good. Every little detail seems to have been preserved, down to the indents on the gun. Her figure looks very true to the original as well, though this doesn't come as a surprise to me because you're quite good at noticing the detail in these things. I was gonna comment on the shading, but since that was a scanner issue, I really don't see anything wrong with this. Great job, hun. :3
The nose I can't tell if it's the size or not, but it's just off. And the gun's border needs to be slightly straighter. Besides that, I can't really spot any other flaws. I can sort of guess where you were shading, but since your scanner apparently sucks, no comment on the shading. I love that you drew the lines on her hand to show that she's gripping the gun, most people would forget that. Great job
This is really amazing...good job on the details. I REALLY like the gun. It's awesome. The only thing I will say is that the lips seem a little too small compared to the rest of the features on her face. Also, try to make the hair seem a little more flowy~ The spikes are good, but if you enter more spikes and more curves it can bring a flow to the hair. TIP: To bring out the delicate shadings of a sketch that's been scanned, upload it into PHOTOBUCKET then edit it with the "AUTO FIX". You'll see the awesome difference right away. :3 Keep more sketches coming~
or if you have gimp, you can do a white difference. anywho, i dont like it when people copy art because its hard to critique when it wasnt fully made by you. it lacks originality, but i will say that you did a good job copying and the shading is awesome.