Okay I had been making an amv, i was going to upload it to youtube to test the rendering settings of the video. also , i wasn't sure where to post this so i posted it in here. [video=youtube;9fnBQwgzrbo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fnBQwgzrbo&feature=channel_video_title[/video] refrain from bashing the quality of the clips, it's shaman king and i couldn't find any HQ clips to download, as such the quality is a bit off, but my main problem is; The song for some reason is sped up and ends in the middle of the videom, i'm not sure if it's my rendering settings or what, can someone help me? EDIT: I used sony vegas pro 11 to make the video.
Strange, it isn't a direct change in sampling frequency. That would result in a higher pitched "chipmunk" sound. Instead it jumps around in the track, cutting pieces out. Now I assume since you've got it edited all together that inside of Sony Vegas it works fine. So the import is okay, but something went wrong in the export. I would first try using an entirely different audio format. When Googling for a solution I was finding that Vegas has been having trouble exporting mp4 audio due to some interaction with Quicktime. Using a different format (such as mp3 or wav) would fix that.