Youtube: Where some of the most uneducated people lurk. Youtube Comments: Massive entertainment. Sometimes moreso than the video itself. Spoiler Isn't that lovely?
That brought a tear to my eye. Poe should take notes from that guy. And I saw that episode of House in your sig. Just so you know
I found that from this video. → Good to know, Jef. Your sig made this page uneven. D:
It looks fine to me, but you're the second person to say something. I think I fixed it now. And don't call me Jeff. Besides You forgot an "f"
That guy is amazing. @ Xakota: Is your sig from that Yu-gi-oh parody with an Eminem song? @ LilBueno: Much better. 8D
Actually it's a catchphrase from "Yugioh the abridged series". But yes, that parody of the Eminem song was made by the same guy who created the abridged series.
ANIME RULES MAN IM 12 AND IM GOING TO A ANIME CON IN A WEEK WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! and people who say anime r for nerds and un popular people i now ALOT!!!!! of people that r cool in our school that like anime and go to anime cons
Your forgetting youtube poop like my fav "what whill die when link does not join ganon?" thats a great one:D
Metallica vs. Megadeth comments get old. Most of them are pretty funny though, even the chain letters ones can get funny sometimes.