Your Top 3 Favorite Games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by The Fuk?, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    If you had to pick your top 3 favorite games, what would they be and why?
  2. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    This is... hard.​

    Fur Fighters- Strange objective, but wonderful gameplay. It was fun, with awesome weapons, and the characters were super adorable.

    Kingdom Hearts II- One of the few games I've been able to play over and over again. I love it. The gameplay is great, and I like the graphics.

    Pokemon Crystal Version- Classic Pokemon that I love. I like the remakes, but I still think the originals were better.​
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    These are not in order.

    Kingdom Hearts II - Great graphics, gameplay, story, and series.

    The World Ends With You - A nice RPG from Square that gives me reason to continue to play after unlocking most of the bonus content already. Also the best DS game I own by a long shot.

    Pokemon Gold Version - Better than most new games/remakes that i've played. Not only is it the reason I haven't parted with my Game Boy Color after all these years but it's also my first Pokemon game ever and one of my first games ever period. Ever since I can remember I was always cheering when I caught a high level Pidgey or when my Hoothoot evolved into Noctowl for the first time. It'll always have a special place in my heart.
  4. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Dissidia Final Fantasy- seriously the only game i have ever ordered from japan and i have it and the american version plus i have probably plugged like 500+ hours into both and playing as Sephiroth=FTW FOREEVAR that and i like the easy to pick up and go combat system

    Kingdom Hearts 2- i like this game for its square side personally i believe square could take it and remove all the disney characters(especially donald and goofy) and it would be an epic game still also gotta love the mods for it axel always on side yes.

    Elder scrolls 4 oblivion- what can I say im a sucker for games where you get to pick a side and not always have to be good ALL HAIL SITHIS.
  5. kingdomfarts Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Best game ever? Definitely.

    Super Mario Bros. 3 - It's just so much fun.

    Metal Gear Solid - Revolutionized everything.
  6. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky: The story is compelling, the music is awsome and everything else is win ;D

    Kingdom Hearts 2: The graphics are great for a PS2 game, The story is easy to follow, even if u havn't played the prequel, the music and the gameplay are win. ;D

    Tales Of Vesperia: It be the most awsome RPG for the Xbox so far, Its wity, the graphics and music are great and the story is compelling
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Kingdom Hearts - Always my #1 for the nostalgia -- and of course it's a given considering what forum I'm on. As nerdy as it is, I'd probably be a completely different person had I not picked up this series. I don't think of it as highly as I used to, though; I personally think the story is a bit flimsy/cliche and stretched out too far at this point (plus some of the characters seem very flat), but that's just my personal opinion. I'm hoping with BBS things will improve; it looks promising. On the other hand, though, the story of the first game and CoM were a lot of fun to follow if melodramatic and I thought Roxas and Axel were both well characterized, just to give an example of characters I thought weren't so flat... Haha.

    Umineko/Higurashi sound novel games -- I love this series to death. TO DEATH. Favorite series ever.
    Higurashi's cast is fantastic, and the way the mystery and story all come together was perfect. As for Umineko, I think it's superior in story and up until recently I thought it was inferior in terms of characterization, but with the latest few entries (Chiru) it could really end up giving Higurashi a run for its money. I'm on the fence.

    Ace Attorney -- ...If you haven't noticed, I like games that focus on story, hahaha. I looove the cast to death, the writing is amazingly witty despite the dark/twisted undertones that come with the great story, and the gameplay is simple but for me a lot of fun (that is, when it's not irritatingly specific on what things you have to do).

    Also, the music for all three series is great IMO, the art has its charms (When They Cry has mediocre art but it really grows on you; to make up for that, it has an AMAZING soundtrack, I just wish it meshed together a little better than it does -- there's no central 'theme' beyond what Dai employed with Hope).

    There's probably a series I'm forgetting here. Didn't think too hard about it... But in any case, there's my two cents.
  8. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Legend of Zelda: Windwaker - This game's graphics, storyline, bosses, are all AMAZING. I have so many good memories from times I'd just sit playing this game with my friends. I loved the quests and side quests. The bosses were each interesting and challenging but not too hard either.

    Spider-Man 2: Pretty much set the standard for free roaming spider-man games (this standard hasnt been met yet)

    Assassin's Creed 2: I wish it wasnt such a quick game, but it was amazing all the same. The graphics, different missions, locations, etc. were different and enjoyable to play through.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Secret of Mana: Probably one of the best games Square has ever released. I prefer it over both the Final Fantasy series and Kingdom Hearts series. Fun gameplay, great graphics(for being on the SNES), massive potential for having an amazing remake as a large chunk was cut out of the game to save space, emotional story, lovely music, good characters, and it's not short. The sad thing is that I've played it all the way through only once. I can't bring myself to do it again because of my attachment to my first was just so epic.

    Prince of Persia The Sands of Time: This comes in with nearly a tie with the 2008 Prince of Persia. The Prince(both from this series and the 2008 game) is one of the best characters I've ever seen in a game. His attitude and comments throughout the story are enough to make me love it. Amazing music, interesting story, fun gameplay, and it has best wall running in a video game. All other games either suck with wall running or copied from this game. Anyone who disagrees will die horribly. B|

    Megaman Maverick Hunter X: Honestly, I can't really decide. I love Megaman Zero 1-3(the fourth one sucked until the last battle where Zero got in some epic quotes) and I like the ZX series. The original Megaman series was a bit...well, I didn't like it for some reason. Maverick Hunter X has the best voice actor in any Megaman game(the same one who was in X8). X's voice was cool unlike in X4 where he sounded like a girl. The remakes of the classic songs were catchy, and the updates for the game were really for the best in my opinion. Plus, it had an OVA which was AWESOME.
  10. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Not really in order. Plus, it changes about every 5 minutes. All I've been doing lately is playing video games.

    Goldeneye 007 - N64: Basically "created" the FPS. Plus, I can remember all the long nights I stayed up playing 4 player split screen whenever I could make my parents let friends stay the night.

    Tetris: There really isn't any explanation required, other than that I mean the original, not all the ****** spinoffs.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - X360: Notice the lack of the number 2.
  11. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - This game kept me up for years and I still enjoy it today. In my eyes it is the best RPG ever. The story is the shit, the gameplay is the shit, the charaters are the shit. 100% win in any way you look at it.

    2. Kingdom Hearts (trilogy) - The stoy is what attracts me to it and the gameplay couldn't be any better. The enemies could've been harder it KH2 or SE could've made a harder difficulty. The graphics were good but I liked all the CG scenes better. Can't wait for KH3.

    3. Resident Evil 2 - The graphics for this game were awsome for its time. The controlls were crap but the suspense was epic. A good game to play while you're alone at late night.
  12. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    List changes quite frequently but:

    Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Mugen no Frontier EXCEED:
    I beat it in the beginning of the year and finished everything around March, but still playing it, and a lot.
    You just can't have enough of those 300 hit combos to kill one enemy.

    Megaman Zero Collection:
    I'd choose X3, but this got Z2 and Z3 together so i'm going with it.

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep:
    Awesome gameplay plus multiplayer.
    Only thing is that it's get's really boring if you overlevel, and you just can't resist leaving something alive with all those cool attacks.
  13. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Uhm... Alrighty

    Persona 3/4 - I can't really choose one over the other they both have their strenghts and weaknesses, but when they're at their best they're freaking unholy! Both have the best character development I've ever seen in any game.

    Final Fantasy IX - Just a very, very fun game. The game is full of charm and great characters, and not to mention that it has one of the best soundtracks of all time.

    Kingdom Hearts (1) - This is definitly an amazing game. The characters are great, fulfills the hope of seeing Disney movies coming to life, has the best combat system of any game and is greatly designes... Except for the camera.

    All of this is of course in my humble opinion.
  14. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Kingdom Hearts II: This game is simply love. The graphics are much better than the first, and the character growth is amazing. The storyline takes a turn that constantly makes you want to know more, and even if I do beat it, I can't help but play it again and again and again.

    Kingdom Hearts: Of course, this one is second in line compared to its sequel. Can't really say much for this game except that I fell in love with it instantly when I was only a kid, and the story really touched me. I loved seeing my favorite characters come to life through it, plus the blend of magic and suspense. As well as humor, for the entire series.

    Crisis Core: I haven't played this game for a while, but it's the only game I've ever played on my PSP. The graphics to this are simply gorgeous during certain scenes, and it's overall a very good story. Zack is a character that grows on you, which makes the ending that much more emotional. Great game, absolutely love it.

  15. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Megaman Battle Network Series - While I'm a *** for Megaman games in general, this series were always special to me. I don't really have a favorite in the series since I enjoyed playing all six of them. The RPG style of the game was a pretty nice twist to the Megaman series which is mostly platformers. The story, while not the most amazing, were still good and the sidequests for the games were always fun to do. One of the few games that I actually liked to 100%

    Tales of the Abyss - While Tales of Symphonia was the first Tales game that I played, this one made me stick with the series. The story was amazing and had a good deconstruction of the "Clone Blues". The real time battle system was fun and never really got boring for me.

    The World Ends With You - One of my favorites game on the DS and it shows because I broke my touch screen from playing it too much >_>;. There probably isn't a thing that I don't like about this game. The story was well thought out and Neku's character development in the story was amazing and the battle system was very unique and took advantage of all of the DS's features.
  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Golden Sun/The Lost Age(As one game): Amazing, by far the best game I've ever played, in my entire life. If you haven't played it, get an emulator. Now.

    Kingdom Hearts II: Had wonderful replay value, I still fight the bosses sometimes just for fun. It was a great game overall.

    The World Ends With You: One of the funnest and most dynamic combat systems ever. Great story as well.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I can't narrow my list anymore than this lol

    Final Fantasy Tactics = I haven't played the remake, but oh my god I loved the original. The story was amazing, Ramza is to date my favorite Final Fantasy character and is definitely up there favorite characters period. I absolutely loved the battle system as well.

    Legend of Zelda: Windwaker = First Zelda game I played all the way through without spoiling myself and the reason I went back and finished the others. I loved the graphics, controls, the story of it, pretty much everything.

    Legend of Dragoon = one of my first RPGs and one of the best out there, in my opinion. The story was amazing and riveting, it kept me interested and never bored me. The battle system reminded me of Final Fantasy at the time I played it.

    Tales of Symphonia = Another one of the few games I've played through without spoiling myself. I loved the battle system for it and the small extras that seemed insignificant at first, but added so much insight to the characters.

    Baten Kaitos = The battle system got to me at first, but I got used to it. I do wish it had better cutscenes, like the intro, but I still enjoyed it.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    Persona 4: getting it, i wasn't expecting much, but it was a HUGE refreshment from all the generic RPGs i've played, by far one of the most unique RPGS i have EVER played. the fact that it takes place in a real life world instead of some fantasy world made it more appealing.

    Kingdom Hearts: not sure which one i like best, i liked all the games, though some better than others

    Zelda a Link to the Past: this game was a massive world that took me years to fully explore.
  19. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Kingdom Hearts
    First game of course. <3 Just because I feel as though it was such a huge part of my childhood. Finally beating it after those YEARS of trying, and introducing me to more video games. The story was just so touching, omfg.

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    One of those games that just had so much detail put into it; it truly felt like you were apart of the Star Wars world. Humor, romance, lightsaber battles... it's got it all. ;D Plus I have a total fem crush on Bastila

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
    I dunno, I just really loved the Apprentice's story. Can't say how I feel about the sequel yet.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time:
    Personally it was hard to choose a legend of Zelda because I love them all, but in the end Ocarina of time was the one I think is my favorite. I'm currently playing it again. I was going to put oracle of seasons, but thats probably because it was my first zelda game

    Pokemon Silver:
    I loved this game when I was a kid. My first ever pokemon game and it was awesome. It was such a shame that my Pokemon Silver does not save anymore, but at least I have soul silver

    Final Fantasy 6:
    The second Final Fantasy I've played and is one of my favorites. I loved the story, characters, and gameplay