What are your top ten MGS characters,why do you like them and if possible mentioin your favourite quote; 1)Revolver Ocolot.He comes just above Grey fox because he is not good or evil just....him.His motives and side were never clear,he was always ahead,He had was never,at any point a person he was a brave man.He chose to die on his own terms.He betrayed everyone he loved for what he believed in.He was known as;Et al,Shalashaska,ocolot,revolver ocolot. 2)Grey Fox.He has always been the pawn but at the same timehe was a powerful pawn.He was always manipualted from his early years to the end.He was known as many names:null,frank hunter,frank gaeger and grey fox.My favourite quote by him would have to be when he is up against rex and is pinned to the wall and Liquid explains about what he used to do in the middle east and as He blasts the radom he says "A cornered fox is more dangerous then a jackel!!!". 3)The Boss.She was a very complicated person but at the same time it was like she was omniscent,kind and had a form of bueaty about her.She fought and died for what she believed in, just like her son, Ocolot.My favourite quote by her would have to be when she was about to be killed by Naked Snake(Big Boss) after he tells him to finish her she says "it isn't about trying to change the world but to try our best to keep it the same". 4)Big Boss.He was an over whelmingly 3D person.He was the kind of person who cast a large shadow and yet in his earliest stages of power he seemed to misunderstand,he misunderstood the beliefs of the boss and ended up wanting to create complete freedom without rules which in one respect was what the boss wanted but at the same time it contradicted the country she fought to protect.My favourite quote by the boss was at the end of MGS4 when he lays against the boss' tombstone,with the Patriot in his hand and he says "Boss you were wrong.The world is better off without a snake......" to contradict The Boss' statement of "The world needs only one snake". 5)The End.Even though, he is in a cromatos state most of the time but he is a great marksmen and he always seemed to make himself invisible.He was able to talk to the spirits of the forest which made him omniscent.My favourite quote by him is"Please, spirits of the forest,give me the energy to take one last prey". I need to go offline but i'll edit in my other 8 at another time.Please post yours along with,why and your favourite quotes by them.
1. Raiden, he is my favorite character believe it or not. He was almost as good as Solid Snake with a gun and eventally he surpases Grey Fox with Sword Skills in a complete different style. "It's like something from Beauty and the Beast" 2. Ocelot, through out he has always been there he was always a few steps ahead of everybody. In my opinion he was the true king of this chess game. He went by many names and thus was a enigma in truth. "Your pretty good" 3. Solid Snake, The main character and master of guns as I call him. He is one of the best and most reffered to characteres in media today even though he is in my top 20 game characters. The smoking and the bandana are a trademark of his to me and no matter where I see them I can tel it's intantly a Solid Snake refference, the guys just awesome. "I'm no hero, never was" 4. Grey Fox, I've seen enough to tell how good he was apparently my friend who has MGS1 always had trouble with Grey Fox in Otacon's office. From what I saw I realised that he was as hardcore as people told me but not accually being able to fight him or see the scenes on my PS he didn't have that much of an effect on me. "We're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the ONLY thing I was good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in. Snake!...Farewell." 5. Vamp, A pain in the @$$ but a interesting character. Being able to heal better than average humans naturally he was called a vampire from drinking blood to survive in the church accident but this ability of his was enhanced by the nano machines in his body after gaining them. He was a member of Dead Cell and eventually the only one left. He joined Liquid Ocelot and eventually got what he had been looking for from Snake and Raiden. "You to, immortal?" 6. Drebin, he's a rather funny yet also at the same time informative character. Always doing tricks like making an apple change into a grenade he also told information on who the BB corps where and even saved Snake and Naomi. He was always a trickster and drank lots of Narc soda with his comapnion Little Grey. "Here they come!" 7. Solidus Snake, Man was this guy the mastermind or what. He was the president once and when he wasn't he was a fighting machine in that power suit. He was rather interesting seeing how he was a mirror image of Big Boss. 8. The Boss, the true start to the legacy of Snake since if it wasn't for her the events of the Snakes would not of happened. "There can only be one Snake and one Boss" 9. Otacon, besides being a massive cry baby he is quite a good character. After having a bit of a weird past he became the creator of REX from being an Otaku (yay!) and can say some funny things in the codec. "Snake, your the s***" 10. Johny (Akiba), I just love the comedy characters, esspecially when he uses a anti material rifle XD "I'm not done yet" I'll change it if I change my mind or something XD but this is just a quick draft
i didn't really find any of the characters besides Snake and Gray Fox to be very memorable so i would say those 2.
1- Grey Fox: "A cornered fox is more dangerous then a jackel!" He is epic. no more needs to be siad. 2- Liquid Snake A classic bad guy. 3- Solid Snake The main character and the one of the greatest characters in the series. 4- Revolver Ocelot In MGS1 he seemed to be just a boss. But he grew to be the real evil character. 5- any soldier from MGS1: "What was that noise?" Those guys were just fun. 6- Otacon: "What's with these guys? It's like one of my Japanese animes." Whiny but funny and helpful. 7- Olga: (even though this line was originally Grey Fox's) "I'm like you, I have no name." Grey Fox ripoff. 8- Roy Cambell He had his moments. 9- Sniper Wolf Ehhh. 10- Raiden I don't like him. He's another ripoff of Grey Fox. But he is kinda cool at times.
I don't think you could really rate any character above the other, each of the characters had a reason for what they were doing whether it was for love, revenge, patroitism, hate, duty, loyalty, greed, money, fear. Except maybe Null, he was designed for battle by someone else and had no real choice of his own. And maybe The End, because you don't really see much of him. Or if you can't aford a PS3 (like meh) the internet was invented to be the information highway, so get informed.
HEy, with MGS games, the lot doesn't amke sense to me the first time I play it anyway, so if I atleast get some type of base I can work on. Not to mention i've already forgotten the plot and I read it just 2 days ago so I won't know what the hell is going on when I finally get to play it.
Hmmm, kinda hard. I love most MGS characters. There's a lot of 'em <_< But mostly, I'd say this: 1- Ocelot 2- Gray Fox 3- Solid Snake 4- Psycho Mantis 5- Raiden 6- The Boss 7- The Sorrow 8- Vamp 9- Otacon 10- Liquid
1- Gray Fox 2- Raiden 3- Solid Snake 4- Ocelot 5- Psycho Mantis 6- Eva 7- The Fear 8- Otacon 9- Vamp 10- The Boss
Look, I've only played the 3rd, 2nd and PSP version, in that order, I barely get the base plot at the moemnt, but it's a good solid (liquid) storyline, I HAD to read the stuff on the internet to understand WTF was going on in number 2, that was a damn adventure in itself. Introducing Raiden as the main made me REALLY scratch my head till I had a bald spot there. And don't even get me started about Naked snake, then suddenly he has 3 kids that look almost exactly like him and are allcalled Snake, what a headache I had that week. If I wait to play 1 and 4 than i may never know what happens to the Snake generation.