.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    -Be nice
    -Try to have a minimum of three GOOD sentences. None of that: ____woke up. ____ walked outside. ______ sighed hoping for somebody to come around
    If you need help just ask me
    -No godmodding
    -No rage-quitting
    -Stay on topic pleaseeeee
    -Keep it PG-13. You can cuss but keep it to a minimum and keep sexy scenes on the down-low. If you need to then take it to PMs.
    -I'll kick you out of you break these rules too commonly. If you've read these rules say Modest in your first post.
    -No arguing unless it's between characters~
    -Yes, I will allow fan pairing. HOWEVER, both players MUST agree on the pairing.
    -You can play up to three characters. :D
    -DO NOT copy ANYTHING that can relate to other characters, appearance and strength wise, and preferably personality wise. This will not be tolerated.
    -It isn't real! Don't make shit real.
    -Have fun!

    A cloaked figure glided through the white corridors of Castle Oblivion. From a near-by room three other cloaked figures watched.
    "What's been up with the leader lately?" A male voice asked.
    "No idea, but it's odd, isn't it? Never seen anybody act that way..." Another male voice spoke. "That didn't have a Heart anyways..." He added.
    "You fools, he's..." A female voice spoke up as the two other cloaked silhouettes looked towards the female. A curious atmosphere arose between the two. Anticipation mocked them as they were dying to hear the words.
    "...In love from the looks of it." She finished. The room fell silent. The barrier of silence was broke with laughter from one of the males. The female pulled her hood down and shot a deadly glare towards the male. Larxene narrowed her eyes and she passed through any dominance that male had ever had.
    "Shut up, Axel. I can see you blushing underneath that damned hood." She snapped. The laughter ceased as Axel dropped his hood and crossed his arms looking sideways as Larxene.
    "Maybe he's doing it as... A joke... His personality is drier than the Sahara Desert." Axel remarked.
    "That's true but the Sahara does get flash floods." The remaining hooded figure added.
    "He's never shown any emotion before though." Larxene and Axel said together.
    "What is happening to us..." The hooded figure sighed and crossed his arms.
    "Don't act like you haven't fallen for somebody before, Marluxia." Axel smirked, Marluxia remained motionless, underneath his hood he shot a look at Axel.


    Emotions seem to be entering Castle Oblivion and The World That Never Was. Most of all, love. Not everybody in the Organization is welcoming this fake emotion they feel, as well as new members of the Organization. Others have plans to use it for the Organization and against it.

    Inactive with my permission
    Note-I will delete your character profiles if you are inactive for more than 3 days. As stated in RULES.
    (): Temporary inactive-needs a replacement
    - -: Reserved
    *: I can take over if needed but nobody else without MY permission.

    Roxas- Maka


    Name: Xioimara
    Original Name: Miaorai [Mi-A-Or-A]
    User: HellKitten
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Quiet around certain people, sarcastic, gentle, snappy at times, kind to some people, easily influenced by the elders of the Organization, cautious, dominant
    Appearance: Xioimara stands at about 5' 3" she has medium-length, black hair with blonde bangs, light tan skin, and bright green eyes. She wears a cloak like the other Organization members.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Xioimara can turn into a dire wolf. Her wolf form is 5' 1". She has a lot of energy and is really stubborn when it comes to fighting. She tries not to fight anybody who she knows, is higher ranking, or taller than her.
    Other: Wolf appearance- [​IMG]
    Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z1DtNKZ-yI

    Name: Daracxlu [Dar-AX-lu]
    Original Name: Alucard
    User: HellKitten
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Dare-devil, gentle, caring, social, strong
    Appearance: Daracxlu is about 6' 3". He has neat, short, black hair. Daracxlu has pale skin and steel blue eyes. He wears the Organization cloak.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Like Xioimara, Daracxlu can also change into a dire wolf. His wolf form stands at 6 feet. He is very strong, agile and won't hold back on somebody if they're hurting someone else. Daracxlu doesn't have much stamina and his large size in a con for him when it comes to fighting.
    Other: Wolf appearance- [​IMG]
    Theme- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bccKotFwzoY

    Name: Xara
    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Natarie
    User: Maka
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: One who loves to have a little fun here and there, sometimes will accidentally break the rules or on purpose... really depends. She doesn't like to brag too much about her abilities or how good she is, because she doesn't believe they're good anyways. Once she gets attached to someone, she'll be there for them no matter what happens (unless they betray her in any way). She'll do everything she can to keep a friendship alive.
    Appearance: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj95/ItaNaoForeva/MurasakiAkemi.jpg
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Has the ability to wield twin blade katanas and uses them as an extension of her arm when it comes to attacking the opponent. She can run fast, jump high and do flips in the air (but usually doesn't do that for certain reasons), and she's semi flexible. Most of all, she has good reflexes. Also can light her katanas with a sort of purple fire, and she can send small walls of flames at the targets at will with the help of her katanas. If for some reason she can't wield or weapons (or she doesn't feel like it), she'll make the fire appear in her hands and send balls of fire towards a target, or "spray" the fire in the direction of her target. So as you can see, fire is her strength. Obviously water and ice is her weakness. Also, she has a fear of open heights (or any kind of heights) and won't go anywhere near places that are too high up. It's hard enough for her to walk around the Castle That Never Was without feeling queasy or weak at the knees. However, she tries to not show her fear to the others and hides it the best she can so they won't call her a wimp.
    Other*optional: Loves hot chocolate. And even though Nobodies are not suppose to show their emotions, she tries hard to make people smile. Even if it's not their actual smile. If she could have a theme song, it would be Bring Me Down by Pillar (AKA this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRK5_V-RPOk)

    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Renee
    User: Twilight_Nobody13
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Cold, skeptical, harsh, doesn't like people who make her smile or laugh, and is very reserved except when around Xigbar. Resents her newwfound emotions.
    Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/SC/SCO/scorpio1116/1138384891_into_fav34.jpg Wears a black Organization coat on missions, but when she's at home she wears a black ruffled dress.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Xenree controls darkness. She's very quick on her feet, Strength isn't one you'd expect from a Modest, slight girl like her but her bite is much worse than her bark. Her only weakness is for a certain older Organization member, Xigbar.
    Other*optional: She fights with several long dark knives. Each possessed as if by a spirit, floating around her.

    Name: Xeloc
    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Cole
    User: TwilightBlader
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: A carefree guy who loves to enjoy life, even though he is a nobody. He is a calm individual who loves to joke around. During times where he is forced to be serious he can be a cold and emotionless person, but even still he puts his allies above all. He loved the thrill of a fight
    Appearance: http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Other Anime/Ri00.jpg
    Powers/strengths/weakness: His power is energy manipulation. He can manipulate his energy into offensive attacks like beams and energy swords. He can also use it for defense, being able to create shields. He wields many different kinds of swords he can summon at will. He mostly wields a broadsword. His weakness is that using too much of the energy manipulation can drain his overall strength
    Other*optional: Theme: Mighty Wind - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji03z81ebyg

    Name: Xvin (pronounced Vin)
    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Kevin
    User: Roxas81334
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Personality: He seems like he is cold towards everyone, but truthfully doesn’t know how to express the emotions that are new to him. He is always quiet which tends to make people think he is mute, he only speaks when is really needed. He thinks he stinks at everything and doesn’t like getting attached to people, mainly because when that happens they usually betray him, also because he really doesn't like people in general. He is really shy and can be clumsy. He is quite modest too.
    Appearance: He is about 6ft tall, his blonde hair is almost to his shoulders, and the lower layers of his hair are brown. If he has the hood down on his organization cloak he has his hair up in a short ponytail with his bangs pushed to the right side of his face (you usually can see the brown when it’s in this hairstyle.) If the hood is up, he usually has his hair down (his bangs are always pushed to the right). He has pale skin, which clashes with his navy blue (almost black) cat like eyes, which never show emotion. When he is in his room he usually wears a dark gray long sleeved shirt and black jeans.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: He has the power to use water and ice, his weaknesses are earth and electric. He can suddenly make water appear, the water that appears is the water in his body, so he gets dehydrated a lot, sometimes he can be sick weeks after using his powers. He has to drink tons of water everyday, even when he doesn’t use his powers. He doesn’t use weapons often (because he doesn’t like them,) but when he does it is a simple dagger or knife, which is always in his pocket.
    Other*optional: He thinks over things way too much, so he is usually in a daze. He is afraid of the emotions that are suddenly appearing.

    Original Name*if in Organization XIII:
  2. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    May I have Xion please?
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Accepted. Welcome :D
  4. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    OMG Hellkitten! Your back :lolface:

    Name: Yatagax
    Original Name: Kay Faraday
    User: Feenie (AKA hercules)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Kay is energetic, upbeat, and a little bit reckless, but she's very determined and knows when to be serious when she has to be. Very Modest
    Appearance: http://monstervine.com/wp-content/2009/07/Kay_Faraday_RGB_psd_jpgcopy.jpg
    6' 1" tall, wears a black Org coat.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: She is super agile and flexible, she is very skilled when it comes to fighting but can sometimes be a bit overconfident. her hyper personality often causes her to jump to conclusions too quickly.
    Other Theme song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY1cnpmXIqI:
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Gonna try. You changed your name xD I like it. Accepted.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    HELLKITTEN!!!! :glomp: *Then super glomps* You're alive! It's meeeeeeeeee! FH!!! AKA Friendly_Heartless

    Anywho. *Ahem* Can I play as Roxas then?

    And here's my OC layout (I might make another one later):

    Name: Xara
    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Natarie
    User: Maka
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: One who loves to have a little fun here and there, sometimes will accidentally break the rules or on purpose... really depends. She doesn't like to brag too much about her abilities or how good she is, because she doesn't believe they're good anyways. Once she gets attached to someone, she'll be there for them no matter what happens (unless they betray her in any way). She'll do everything she can to keep a friendship alive.
    Appearance: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj95/ItaNaoForeva/MurasakiAkemi.jpg
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Has the ability to wield twin blade katanas and uses them as an extension of her arm when it comes to attacking the opponent. She can run fast, jump high and do flips in the air (but usually doesn't do that for certain reasons), and she's semi flexible. Most of all, she has good reflexes. Also can light her katanas with a sort of purple fire, and she can send small walls of flames at the targets at will with the help of her katanas. If for some reason she can't wield or weapons (or she doesn't feel like it), she'll make the fire appear in her hands and send balls of fire towards a target, or "spray" the fire in the direction of her target. So as you can see, fire is her strength. Obviously water and ice is her weakness. Also, she has a fear of open heights (or any kind of heights) and won't go anywhere near places that are too high up. It's hard enough for her to walk around the Castle That Never Was without feeling queasy or weak at the knees. However, she tries to not show her fear to the others and hides it the best she can so they won't call her a wimp.
    Other*optional: Loves hot chocolate. And even though Nobodies are not suppose to show their emotions, she tries hard to make people smile. Even if it's not their actual smile. If she could have a theme song, it would be Bring Me Down by Pillar (AKA this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRK5_V-RPOk)

    Aw man. I just realized I copied someone. *Goes back and fixes it* Ah well, Xara ish a modest person as you can see. Ha! There. XD I hope you don't mind her having fire abilities. It's not the same as Axel... But I'm still scared it'll be count as copying. ;~;

    Also... shouldn't you have preview posties for cannons? >> *Ducks* Don't hurt me...
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Ah it's no problem no worries. Everyone is changing their names!! xD and accepteddd. I would've done the preview post thing if it was extended. This is just for fun xP
  8. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    OOC: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, when can we start?
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Now I suppose. Feel free to temporarily play any of the Organization if you NEED them in the post. I'll bring other characters in as needed.

    A large wolf moved through the hallways of Castle Oblivion. She was exploring and on edge. New to the Organization, she knew nobody. The wolf had only met the Superior and her finder. Whoever they were... The Superior had gray hair and the man who found her had pink hair... The sorrel coloured wolf froze and her eyes wandered a girl nearby. She had black hairr and brown eyes. Xioimara's tail and hackles rose up.
    "Hi, friend." She spoke quietly and cautiously. The red canine's green eyes kept on Xara. There were so many people she still had to meet, and well, Xioimara is the most social of Nobodies. If she had one friend she was content with life. That was all she needed.
  10. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Kay/Yatagax energetically ran through the halls of Castle Oblivion, performing cartwheels and such at any corner she came across, the woman who found her hot on her tail, "Hey girly! no running through the- Hey! are you even listening to me?" The woman began sprinting after Kay, static covered the ground behind her, her blonde hair flew wildly around. Kay looked back at Larxene, "Hehe, can't catch me!~" She laughed jumping over two wolves that were in her way.

    OOC: Can we address our Chars as their original name and not their Org name?
  11. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion quietly crept through the halls of Castle Oblivion, exploring all the rooms even though they all looked almost identical. Then Xion could hear energetic giggling and Larxene's thundering voice coming closer.
    ''XII?'' Xion asked stepping toward the direction of the voices, before she could reach the door leading down to the floor where the voices were coming from, Yatagax came cartwheeling in then disappeared cartwheeling out again. Larxene was close behind her it was obvious XII was not in the mood for a game of chase.
    Xion figured it be best for all of the Organization members if Larxene was not in one of her rage filled moods so she chased after Yatagax in hope she could catch her quicker.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    May I join?

    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Renee
    User: Twilight_Nobody13
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Cold, skeptical, harsh, doesn't like people who make her smile or laugh, and is very reserved except when around Xigbar. Resents her newwfound emotions.
    Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/S/SC/SCO/scorpio1116/1138384891_into_fav34.jpg Wears a black Organization coat on missions, but when she's at home she wears a black ruffled dress.
    Powers/strengths/weakness: Xenree controls darkness. She's very quick on her feet, usually her opponents underestimate her by her fragile looks. Strength isn't one you'd expect from a Modest, slight girl like her but her bite is much worse than her bark. Her only weakness is for a certain older Organization member, Xigbar.
    Other*optional: She fights with several long dark knives. Each possessed as if by a spirit, floating around her.

    Can I have Xigbar for her?
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Ah yes you can. In her powers however the flips over opponents kinda relates to Xara's character. I'll add her in after you change it. Other than that, welcome.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    OOC: Kay fixed. (heh I have a character named Xara in an extended rp lol) :)

    BIC: Xenree nodded off against the wall in Castle Oblivion until she heard a rather annoying voice she'd let grow on her.

    "Haha, sleepin' on the job again?"

    Xenree opened her red eyes and glared at him, the Ice Queen verbally slapping him, "You're one to talk. How many times have I caught you napping when you should've been out on a mission?" Xenree straightened her Organization coat. She felt uncomfortable wearing it when she wasn't out. Her white hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward and pushed off the wall.
  15. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Kay looked back and saw another woman chasing after her, "Haha, ~Run, run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Yatagax ha!~" She picked up more speed and turned another corner.

    Larxene noticed Xion in front of her and caught up with her, "You...sure...you can....catch her?! Haaaaah" She said whilst panting, dripping with sweat.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Name: Xeloc
    Original Name*if in Organization XIII: Cole
    User: TwilightBlader
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: A carefree guy who loves to enjoy life, even though he is a nobody. He is a calm individual who loves to joke around. During times where he is forced to be serious he can be a cold and emotionless person, but even still he puts his allies above all. He loved the thrill of a fight
    Appearance: http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Other Anime/Ri00.jpg
    Powers/strengths/weakness: His power is energy manipulation. He can manipulate his energy into offensive attacks like beams and energy swords. He can also use it for defense, being able to create shields. He wields many different kinds of swords he can summon at will. He mostly wields a broadsword. His weakness is that using too much of the energy manipulation can drain his overall strength
    Other*optional: Theme: Mighty Wind - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji03z81ebyg
  17. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    ''I'm younger then you so I guess I would have better stamina , XII' Xion said defensively before quickly running after Kay before Larxene could react with her lighting temper.
    ''Kay! C'mon'' Xion shouted as she watched the over energetic member turn another corner. When no reply answered expect for giggling Xion picked up her pace almost slipping over while she did.
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Accepted. Just keep to the manipulation for weapons. Can't manipulate people.

    Marluxia head commotion outside of his study. He sighed. 'Fun and games.' Marluxia stood up from where he was seated and put a book he had been reading, down. He opened his door and stood back as a new member ran past him, he looked out the door and followed her with his eyes. Marluxia looked back the other way to see Xion and Larxene trailing after the girl. Larxene was rather... Well, he sighed. Annoyed as usual. Xion looked like she was having fun. He focused closer as he noticed a dark, large four-legged shadow appear behind the girls. He didn't have a good view of the creatures markings or what four-legged creature it was. He could tell from a distance that it was almost as tall as he was.

    "There's..." He watched as they neared. Larxene passed him, Xion was nearing. "Xion.." He tried to warn, knowing he wasn't going to be heard. He watched the creature more closely as it started to move.. Fast.

    Alucard watched as the girls chased each other. The wolf started after them. Six feet of muscle, fur, and flesh. Alucard quickly started to gain on Xion. He towered her even as he neared her. His body low to the ground, stream-line. He didn't know what was going on but he did know he could catch up and possibly make some friends. He ran next to Xion trying to keep on his feet, the floor was slick and his claws didn't grip too well.
  19. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion came to a sudden hault almost slipping over as she did, she looked at the creature who was now a few spaces in front of her with curiosity.
    'H-hello?' Xion said tilting her head a bit to admire the animal. The aura of the creature didnt seem threating so Xion didnt feel the need to summon her keyblade, she gave a small smile at the creature and its desperate attempt to hold a good grip on the slippery floor.
    ''It's hard to get a good grip isnt it? Even with..feet' Xion said glancing down to her boots then looking back up to smile again.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree listened to the commotion and stared hard at the hooded man she found so annoying, "Shouldn't you be stopping that noise?"

    The hooded man pulled back his hood, revealing the tell tale signs of who he was, the eye patch, scars and the long ponytail stripped with gray. Xigbar laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, Xenree. I'm not up to fun and games. I'd rather be talking to you."

    Xenree scowled at him and shoved off the wall, heading toward the noise of the others. She hadn't really met them since she kept herself so busy. Xigbar followed behind her, grinning like an idiot.
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