(I hope this isnt spam) Anyway, list a funny kill you got from any game (preferably shooters, it really doesnt matter which) I remember I was playing a game that had 16 people in a room (it was a shooter) anyway, I was going inside this building up some stairs and I threw a grenade at someone. I didnt realize someone was behind me, and they threw a grenade as well. My grenade bounced off the wall (I missed the doorway which I was aiming for) and it killed the guy behind me. THAT guy's grenade exploded and sent me flying forward. My health was really low by this point (but I was still alive) so I pulled out my rocket launcher and killed they guy in front of me. Not all that funny, but still pretty cool I guess. Anyway what are your funny videogame kills?
I was playing Assassin's Creed and I was advancing towards my target, and some drunken ****** pushed me into the harbor and I drowned D:
Hmmm... Well, I was playing Killzone(great game btw,). I was playing a multiplayer map. One moment, all the bots and I where in an epic gunfight. I was so busy at killing Helghast that I didn't noticed that one of the crazy freaking *******s threw a grenade at me. I tried to run away, but an ISA member was blocking my way and I couldn't get out... *BADABOOM!*
Some of these are really funny! I remember one time in GTA IV, I was driving and crashing. My car caught on fire so I jumped out before it exploded. I started running, but then another car hit me and sent me back to my car right when it exploded, killing me.
that one was really funny :D Mine was in SuperSmash Bros. (gamecube) I was playing with Peach fighting against Kirby. I was playing volleyball with him (kicking him in the air over and over) I had planted a bomb earlier and I wanted to kick him into it. I kicked him so hard he just flew and lost a life. Me being an idiot forgot I put the bomb there and BOOM! off I go. Kirby won in the end. (killed many times before) that damn bomb cost me the game. I landed on it when I did the little dance thing she does XD
I was playing Black, on the PS2, and I kept pressing the grenande throwing button too hard, so whn i wanted to throw one grenade, I ended up throwing five. One of those times I got locked in the room with about five guys. I threw three grenades, and flew through the air when the first one blew up, hitting the second one, same thing happened with the third one. Needless to say, I died, but hey, I was laughing like hell when I did it.
I have 2 funny moments. 1. I was playing The Force Unleashed and I had very little health. I was in the bar on Cloud City. This little Ugnaut came up to me, hit me and I went flying through a glass wall. 2. I was playing Halo 3 with my friend, we were in co-op and I shot a barrel w/ the spartan lazer and everything around us exploded. And a jeep went flying and landed on us, so it looked like this flying car crushed us.
I have just one story, that being a suicide kill. The suicide was in Super Smash Bros. on the GC. I was playing as Pikachu against a couple friends and was down to my last life. Donkey Kong comes over and punches me in the face, knocking me off. I used my special jump quick attack thing, zipped up and to the right.....right off the building and died. We've called it "Pulling a Liz" ever since.
I was playing Halo 3 when I shot with the standard pistol. It got a head shot on my friend and sent him back in the air about 300ft.
Its more of a knockout but when playing Wii Sports on boxing I knocked out the opponent by hitting him in his meat and two veg, it was really funny to everyone in the room.
i was playing halo 3 on XboX live and i thought that the coast was clear after i had nearly whiped out the whole red team but as soon as i turn my back i got struck by a gravity hammer and when i was dead someone was acting like they were t-bagging me.
I have 3 accually... 1 was in Killswitch for xbox and I was shooting someone while hiding on a wall, so anyways I threw a grenade and the other guy threw one and they bounced off each other sending mine back into me right when it got to me in the air it exploded... 2 was when I was playing halo 2 I was fighting on Xbox live and someone threw a bomb at me while that happened I went flying into 2 people, my right hand smacked the dude in the face while my knee kneed the other in the head killing both 3 was when I was playing black, someone did a head shot on me and i went flying back into a grenade and then i went flying into the water
One of the funnier moments for me.....when i rented GTAIV, I was driving some car, and jumped out into the guard rail, killing the guy (forgot his name) instantly. I liked that, heh heh....oh yea, I did it on purpose. xD Oh, also when i was driving and there was a fat cop standing in front, away from the car though, of my car, and I came up really fast and hit him...GTA games always have their funny moments. xD
I was playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and I was riding in a helicopter. Then I run into a building that came out of nowhere, landed on a cop car, and fell into a lake and drowned.
I was playing a team battle in this online shooter game. I was the last member alive on my team while there were 4 on the other. It was an indoor map which was not a gd sniping map. Both my sniper and pistol were broken, causing more than half the shots to go way out of the crosshair. Killed one guy with a grenade as he approached this doorway and decided to camp for a while. The three rushed into my room at the same time with an Uzi, M4A1, and AK74. Went pistol whip mode and somehow got three headshots with all of my shots flying at random directions. O_O Random shooting FTW!
i was playing halo 3 in a team battle on narrows and one of the enemies of coming to our side of the map through the mancannon and me and one of my friends was right next to me and i told her to follow me and we were going to kill that dude.well when we get over to the cannon i took the lead while she backed me up.i had an smg and he had a plasma rifle and a brute spiker,he killed me and i told my friend to kill him while his shields were down.well she through a sticky gernade at him,but her aiming sucks like crap and my body was still falling to the ground,and when she through the gernade,it stuck me on the back and he walked right over it and blew up.and then i began to cuss her out for having crappy aiming.i then laughed a whole lot after the game was over,cause that kill was freaking awesome,but i didn't want her to know that.