I always liked Death Penalty, Vincent Valentine's final{ least I think it's his final }. I also liked Auron's sword in FFX.
Either Caladbolg (Tidus's Ultiumate weapon in FFX), Nirvana (Yuna's Ultimate Weapon in FFX; it made aeons [especially anima] AWESOME!), or Wakka's Grand Champion. When I got that weapon and trained him a little more, Wakka was taking of 64,000 PER HIT by the time I got to Yu Yevon. I was just messing with Braska's final Aeon. I killed him in 2 turns. I killed the Omega Weapon in 1 hit with Anima. His REGULAR HITS took of 99,999. Keep in mind that Omega Weapon only has 99,999 hp in the North American version of FFX, but the International version of the game gives him 999,999. One hit is impossible.