You all make fun, yet I am the who's attempting of doing some good in this site; or would you rather go to one where people piss on your stoop everynight. Bohemia-bohemia; a fallacy in your head. This is kh-vids, bohemia is dead. (yes, i'm feeling quite random today)
Dearly beloved, we gather here to say our goodbyes. Here she lies, no one knew her worth, the late great daughter of Mother Earth (aka CtR) on these nights when we celebrate the birth. In that little town of Bethlehem, we raise our glass, You bet your ass to La Vie... Boheme.
You unlock this door with the key of boredom. Beyond it is another forum. A forum of noobs... A forum of trolls... A forum of stupidity... You're moving into a forum of both drama and hiIarity... You've just crossed over... Into the Spam Zone.
To days of lolface, playing troll, making flame wars out of nothing. The need to derep to communicate, to going against the grain, going insane...going....FFFFFFFUUUUUUU