[K its one of those threads where you complete the You know... when... sentantance. You know the rules and if you don't then learn them. I'll start:] You go to swing your arm out to make your alarm shut up but instead you fall out of bed and wonder what the hell is going on for the next minute.
When you get a text message from your girlfriend telling you that she broke up with you :lolface: Not that it's happened to me or anything >_>
GRRRR I WAS'A GONNA SAY THAT! D:< when you wake up with a couple of bullets in your chest, in the desert, alone, while missing two legs.
..If you wake up to your little sister sitting at your laptop, and she asks: "What does it mean to format a hawd dwive? It said something on here and I clicked yes" ...That was not good at all.