I am (finally) current on Doctor Who, aside from a few Christmas Specials I skipped along the way. :v spoiler courtesy text spoiler courtesy text spoiler courtesy text Spoiler I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS OMG. AMY POND PLEASE WHY ARE YOU LEAVING STAY FOREVER PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I love her so much I can't omg I mean my love for Rose Tyler was also intense and Doomsday pretty much ruined my emotions but Amy Pond is starting to rival Rose Tyler ;~; I have honestly been considering watching through the series again while waiting for the show to start again, might skip an episode here and there (read: anything with Martha >:L) but jldsfbksdfhsdahfgewe how can this show play with its viewers emotions like this
The animation from that looks identical to games from Telltale. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3blzGwd4xLg
Amy has been the best companion so far... I hope they do her justice with the next one, but I do not see how it would be done.
I think everyone on this planet has a crush on Karen Gillan, some are just a bit more dormant than others. It's tough for me to compare them, I mean I did not like Martha Jones much at all, but the rest were all pretty excellent. Spoiler Rose could get irritating at times but I loved her passionately and she broke my heart. </3 Although I was extremely displeased with her ending. Donna was just a great laugh to have around, but I found it hard to take serious scenes with her seriously, at times. But her ending was quite tragic. ;; And Amy is just... aaaaagh. I mean I have a thing for Scottish accents and I think gingers are cool people automatically, but I got attached to Amy in the first episode she was in; the others took me some time.
Good. This is why you shall be my second in command as soon as I start a Karen Gillian Fanclub on here.