I came up with this cool quote, if you have heard it before I must have picked it up subliminally. But as far as I know, I came up with it :P So here it is: XD Do you have an epic quote or something like my quote?
"When life's a *****, throw it a bone." -Advice I gave a friend "This class sounds like an old punk band; sure, it looks good, but it just doesn't work." -Talking to my Knowledge of Archetypes teacher during a class evaluation "Sure, do something stupid if it sounds like fun. After that, you'll think you'll be able to get away with doing something stupider and eventually you'll end up face-down on the floor out of pure ******ation. Still, life was a lot more fun for you stupid, wasn't it?" -Talking to a friend who wanted to go sky-diving. "It's called common sense people, COMMON sense!.........Still have no idea what's so common about it, though." -Me in a class debate
I have a few but there's a teacher at my school who has some classic ones such as: "Can you all shut up, I'm trying to eat my body weight in Doritos here!" "You're a bunch of chancers the lot of you" "It's so hot in here there's plant growing" *gestures at carpet". "You're talking to me like someone who cares" "Girl's gotta eat" (must be followed by damn straight) (After being asked why something happens in a particular tense in french either) "Because the french are a funny bunch" or "I don't know, they didn't ask me when they made up the language" "When we started this topic, you know, a hundred years ago ..." "Is there some sort of time delay in your head?" There's more but I can't think of them right now.
roll roll roll the joint, twist it at the end, light it up , take a hit , pass it to your friend :lolface:
This one used to be in my sig: Foxxy: Yea, Roxas is a bit of a whore... Me: What are you talking about? The entire Organization are a bunch of whores! They're a Whorgy!
"Myspace is like Target, who would go if Walmart [facebook] is right there?"-me to a friend yesterday. He said he was going to start using that.
"I put the STD in STUD." I heard someone say this the other day and you mentioned STDs in the first point, soo... xD
"If there's nothing new under the sun, spend some time under the moon." I dunno, I just now tweaked it from something I conjured up a while ago. Take it as you will. And on the more whimsical side... "I think I need to come up with an excuse to say 'smarter than the average bear' at least once a day." "I'm such a fucking geek. I can remember how many pieces of cake it takes to give Daffy Duck a stomach ache." And between a lady friend and I... "I can still be your friend! It's just a question of benefits..." "I don't want that package." "Something tells me your wording is meticulously chosen."