I was playing final fantasy x for a while and after I was done with it I tried to play another game, but before I had the chance to play anything my ps3 stopped working and every time I tried turning the power on, the game kept turning off on itself. so is there any steps I can take to fix it and not waste a lot of money?
Well first of all there is the towel or hair dryer method which can keep it running for maybe around another week if you're lucky and It's a good way to backup all your saves. Spoiler: Hair dryer method I'm also assuming you have the original model of the PS3 right?
There is a yellow light right? the hair dry method does work. I tried it. its really only meant to get discs out. Only permanent solution is to have it reballed. I would do but i have yet to find one who actually does it.
This happened to me a while ago. Unfortunately there's no permanent solution, and the fix is time consuming and expensive, and it will inevitably happen again. I ended up having to buy a new PS3, there no really viable other option And if you buy a new one, don't get a fat model, they're pretty much time bombs, they'll all ylod eventually
Is that the case? I looked around a lot and everywhere I could find insisted that there was no permanent fix
nah its 100% a fix. people say that to other people becuase they think they wont go with it getting reballed.
But how does this fix the fundamental heating problem? Do they actually change something in the hardware to deal with that? I thought it was a fundamental flaw with the system
it happens when the heat melts a solider or a cracked solder joint. you pretty much need to re solder it. just need to make sure to turn it off when you are not using it. I always do it with my 60GB. Except this time i left t on to get my brother from school. Came back home and it was off with YLOD. YOu can also get a higher blade fan.