Yes, again. Need help on homework.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by RoxaSorAligned, May 1, 2007.

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  1. RoxaSorAligned Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 17, 2007
    Well, my teacher/ instructor was waaa--aay too busy trying to help everyone on the homework and class was only 45 minutes soo... yeah, I didn't get the help in time (actually, not at all... -___-)

    What are the chances of you getting picked out of 30 students plus the fact that you are just about 10 meters away from the instructor?

    Well, here it is. The question. I'm pretty sure that if you guys can pull me through on this one question, I'll be able to do all the rest.

    Basketball Tickets Problem

    At a professional basketball game, the turnstile count showed that 17,406 people paid admission. The total cash received for tickets was $133,372. Without actually counting the ticket stubs, find out how many paid for reserved seats ($10.00 each) and how many paid general admission ($6.00 each).

    NOTE: Actually, it's not in "question" format.... just pretend that it is.

    Edit: No one's gonna even bother...huh.... Well, it was worth the try...
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