Digital Art Yaaaaaaaaaaay smudging.

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by jojoj13, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008

    I was tempted on making a signature to this photo.

    It was just awesome.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Good work with the smudging. IMO, smudging is a very odd technique that demands the focal point to be focused and sharp. The original stock probably isn't very sharp so I suppose it isn't something you can change, but if you can, try and start with a stock that originally is very clear and focused.

    Bringing the light together in a smudged signature is important too. Some call it a "focal point" but really it's just centralized light. Does it need to be a blotch of white from a brush? Nah, as long as it's getting attention. Brightening up some effects can replicate the same thing as what I mentioned. Brightened smudging, bright colors, etc, can even be a focal point for this. I can see you did a form of it just to the left of the stock's face, but the bright effects around work just fine. Just sharpen it a little and brighten it up in a few spots and it works as your focus. :]

    As for the typo, it's sorta random. But it's not that bad since it's pretty small. Typo is probably the hardest thing of ANY part in art.

    ... oh and also, there's some negative space on the far left. Some effects perhaps? :P Good job on this. I always love smudged work.