Xeol Cronicles: Where Fate Begins

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Oct 24, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Xeol Cronicles: Where Fate Begins

    The small city near the sea always been peacefull and lively. Until one day the mayor got murderd and an new one got elected. The money for the city got drained for mysterious purposses and the crime rate raised. An boy named Leo became an victem to the sudden change his parents got murderd and he became homeless. A few years passed he was forced to turn to gang life finding friends in unlikely situations. There are rumors the new mayor is doing studys on people hearts and mysterious black creatures appear when someones heart is taken over by the darkness. Now this is the beginning of the Xeol Chronicles where fate begins.

    have fun
    cussing is acceptable
    no god modding
    no power playing
    be active
    if this is succesfull there will be a part 2

    RP set up
    this is how its gona be set up, your character is gona live an normal life but remember crime rate raised and their is alot of rumors about the mayor. Your character can be an gang member of the cloud riders or an opposing one. If you are in a gang your gang leader will give you assignments that you must complete. Also there is spots for the mayors scientist that will work on experiments with the humen heart and to keep the project hidden away from the people. If your char is not in a gang or working with the mayor your char should wonder why people is disappearing and whats so strange about the new mayor.

    gang OC Form
    rank: (1 leader per gang)
    specialty: (what they are best at like recon or picklocking things like that)

    Mayor and Scientist OC Form
    rank: (highest is Mayor that runs the city)
    specialty: (what are their field of study)

    Heartless Form

    Cloud Riders
    Username: Dexnail
    name: Leo
    rank: Leader
    appearance: light brown hair the sides stops at the bottom of his chin the back is short and the front stops at his eyebrows, jade green eyes with an upside down black tear mark underneth his left eye, Wears black fadded jeans an grey unzipped jacket with an white shirt underneth
    gang: Cloud Riders
    bio: Always lived an lonely life so he was use to lonelyness but he still loved his parents. After his parents died he was forced to live on the streets doing what ever it took to survive. After a while he found Tidus both of them became friends and they formed an gang together. Leo became the leader and he cares about everyone in it but he is ashamed of what he does even though its survival.
    weapon: silver dagger
    specialty: very good at spying and taking advantage of the occasional heavy fog that surrounds the city to escape or to steal stuff

    Username: Dexnail
    name: Tidus
    rank: Member
    appearance: icy blue shagy hair, purple eyes, wears silver paints and a black hoody with sandles
    gang: Cloud Riders
    bio: His parents worked for the mayor for plunty of years. One day his parents never came home from work and the new mayor would never tell him what happend. So he stayed living on the streets alone until Leo found him. Ever since he been loyal to him but stealing became an addiction to him.
    weapon: brass knuckles
    specialty: thinking up usefull stealing methods and predicting out comes

    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend

    name: Neoph

    rank: Leader

    gang: Yakuza

    bio: He was once nothing but a poor, scared 6 year old boy with abusive parents, but one day when he was 14, he ran away and founded The Yakuza when he was 16. Now, he is a powerful, yet fair leader.

    weapon: Katana

    specialty: Stealth Kill

    Name: Experiment 105
    Appearance: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:s...orningStar.png
    Rank: Free
    Gang: N/A
    Weapons: Spikes
    Bio: Made as a Mistake this Heartless Came when one of the Lab went KABOOM! and 300 hearts made this Heartless..... escaped by spinning and deflecting lasers.
    Specialty: A Bit too Loyal, he will obey anyone who defeats him in Single Combat, WARNING: HE WILL SHOOT SPIKES!

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Hikari
    Bio: She is a half-body who lives with her sister Yami. They aren't in any gangs but sometimes get into trouble when they don't mean to. She's the one who tries to get out of the situation.
    Weapon: Katana
    Pic: page 1 post 7 first pic
    Preview Writing: Hikari was hiding in a barrel as cops were running by looking for her and Yami, Yami was running down the street from them screaming, "You've gotta be kidding me.."

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Yami
    Bio: Like her sister, Hikari. She is a halfbody. She always gets in trouble with her sister, but instead of trying to get out of the situation, she makes a game out of it.
    Weapon: Armblades
    Pic: page 1 post 7 second pic
    Preview Writing: Yami was skipping down the street away from cops jumping up on rooftops while eating an apple, "Hope you guys are having fun! but your never gonna catch me!"

    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Amber
    appearance: reddish pink hair that is a little bit longer then her eye brows in the front with an long pony tail that stops at her hips in the back, blue eyes, wears an red silk short skirt with an white t-shirt, she has gold bracelets on her left arm and wears an white flower in her hair on the right side, black high heels
    Bio: She is the daughter of the new mayor. Amber always been treated well and she never had to worry about living on the streets because her family is rich. Her father wont let her outside unathorized and her freedom is very limited so she cant go out with friends very often because her dad is very paranoid. Even with the hard restrictions she managed to become friends with Yami and Hikari. Amber sneaks out to hang out with them because when she is out of her mansion she finnaly has freedom and fun without rulez that tied her down.
    Weapon: N/A

    Secret Bad Guy

    Username: Smackdoodle McGiggles
    name: Braxen
    rank: ?
    appearance: look at album
    gang: wut?
    bio: Read on my album for bio
    weapon: His two usual Keyblades, Last Judgement and Rapture of Souls.
    specialty: Shapeshifting
  2. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Can We Be Heartless? (Look at Sig Nuff Said)
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Oh yeah you can but you have to be an product of an experiment the scientist tried on an civilian ill get the form up now
  4. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
  5. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend

    name: Neoph

    rank: Leader

    gang: Yakuza

    bio: He was once nothing but a poor, scared 6 year old boy with abusive parents, but one day when he was 14, he ran away and founded The Yakuza when he was 16. Now, he is a powerful, yet fair leader.

    weapon: Katana

    specialty: Stealth Kill
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Hikari
    Bio: She is a half-body who lives with her sister Yami. They aren't in any gangs but sometimes get into trouble when they don't mean to. She's the one who tries to get out of the situation.
    Weapon: Katana
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Preview Writing: Hikari was hiding in a barrel as cops were running by looking for her and Yami, Yami was running down the street from them screaming, "You've gotta be kidding me.."

    Username: Cstar7777
    Name: Yami
    Bio: Like her sister, Hikari. She is a halfbody. She always gets in trouble with her sister, but instead of trying to get out of the situation, she makes a game out of it.
    Weapon: Armblades
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Preview Writing: Yami was skipping down the street away from cops jumping up on rooftops while eating an apple, "Hope you guys are having fun! but your never gonna catch me!"
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    theres just 3 things wrong keyblade

    1. sorry cant have guns
    2. their name needs to not have an X because the second part will b when they lose thier hearts
    3. since you want to be leader you can make up an name for your gang :)

    Also your chars are accepted Cstar
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alrighty accepted :)
  11. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Joining 'cuz I was asked~

    Heartless Form

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Rhixan

    Appearance: Shapeshifted form. [​IMG]

    Real form: Long blue hair that covers her eyes and a blue rose headband. A short dress and a under dress brace ontop, lots of beads around her neck. Afew bracelets and flat black shoes.

    Past: She was created fro the darkness and remained under the scienctists control. She was given the code name - The Deformed Diva because of her appearance. After awhile, she broke out and roamed the streets, feeding off the darkness in people's hearts.
    Power: Shapeshifting
  12. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    accepted thank you :)
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    when can we start? when a few more people join?
  14. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    yep just need one persone to be the mayor,one be a scientist, and one more person for Neophs gang
  15. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
  16. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    accepted but no more heartless we need a scientist, the mayor, and one more for Neoph's gang then we can start :)
  17. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Mayor and Scientist OC Form
    rank: (highest is Mayor that runs the city)Mayor
    appearance:A black suit tap dancing shoes shaved head blue eyes and a cqne
    bio:The new mayor but no one knows what he is ploting to do he does not trust people alot and is ploting something sinister.
    specialty: (what are their field of study)What is left after a heartless is made

    Heartless Form
    past:He looks like a normal neoshadow but is smarter than most heartless and can speak but never does he attacks people when there alone and gets stronger by absorbing other heartless
    power:Powers of a neoshadow slightly stronger and can absorb other heartless.
  18. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Username: The True Key

    name: Neal (Nickname is Sham)

    rank: Member

    appearance: http://files.myopera.com/sam311/albums/612343/thumbs/oie_anime_boy.jpg_thumb.jpg

    gang: Yakuza

    bio: He was told throughout his entire life he was told that he was nothing but a sham. (Hence, the nickname) He killed his parents when he was 10 and ran away. He was found by Neoph who took him in and treated him like a son. He has nothing but the highest respect for Neoph.

    weapon: dagger

    specialty: lockpicking
  19. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alrighty thank you for joining guys your chars are accepted :)
  20. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    is it okay if i join?:)

    Username:Key master Sora
    name: Katrina (nickname Kit)
    rank: Member
    appearance: [​IMG]
    gang: cloud riders
    bio: Katrina is a younger member in the gang Cloud Riders. She recently ran from a murder scene in her parents bedroom. Her mother appeared to have been murdered by her ex-husband. Katrina didn't want to stay and find out what happens so she went to live on the streets. Out there she found her weapon and learned to fight with it (for defense or offense reasons).
    weapon: Boa Staff (to be technical a red broom pole)
    specialty: Spying, Stealing, and lockpicking (how else is she going to steal)
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