..Yeah. This is where you discuss those annoying, little kids on XBox Live who won't shutup if your better than them. ..And I hate getting cussed out on Live by random people when I enter a match on Gears of War!
Lol, I barely go on live...But only because I'm afraid I'll completely suck and get in a match with a bunch of super egotistic players. >_>
I hate it too. Alot...to tears...XD especially when people have mics and you're not evern TRYING to talk to them and they wont shut up...then you mute them, right? Then they message you randomly. It's horrible. I hate it because I'm a girl and one time I was on my mic and these dude were like... Random guy1:...Is that a girl? Random guy2: No, it cant be...are you a girl? Random guy1:...How old are you? Me:...I'm a guy...I havent hit puberty yet... Random guy2:Nah, you're a chick arent you! OH MY GOD, JAMES GET IN HERE, THERE'S A CHICK ON HALO 3 XBOX LIVE Whoever 'James' is: No way man... It's horrible. Then they message me and everything and...ugg. I just...no...They're all FAILS! XD Then if I'm good, they get mad...and they try to say they 'disapprove' me. They say I'm cheating or something. Suckish. Then they cuss meh out. For no reason.
LOL. I hear ya. People on XBox Live are so stupid some times. But, eventually, I meet some really cool people. But, sadly, it's rare when that happens. =/
I hate it on halo 3 when these kids are like "man this kid suck"right at the beginning of the game and then im the mvp of the game and then they're like "holy **** party up man "and then i leave
LOL. I know what your sayin'. I hate partying up with people I don't know. I'd rather play on my own.
Cool. I hate it when people ask me to be there friend, but then I never play with them. I just delete them off my list. LOL.
Lmao, you need a good group of people. I have a few young people on my friends list, but they make me laugh for a good hour. But for the msot part, I have a group of skilled mature people who just like to casually sit down and game. I hate the people who think the word niggor is funny or just straight up make fun of you for no reason because they think they're superior(yet most of the time after they have their superiority complex I end up telling them to check the scoreboard). So yeah, the 12 year olds I don't mind as much, I can get the to shut up, it's the people who can just make me laugh by thinking they're god because they payed $60 for a game. I swear I'll get you addicted to it...
I don't go on live very much, but that's because i have to use my sisters name, and it's a bit hard to play seriously when your tag is freakin UndiesModel.
xJayn that was hilarious! xDD "It's a girl!" xD I hate little kids with big ego's and older kids who egg them on to insult people.
You get quite a lot of people like this on PS3 Call of Duty 4. It's never as bad as it is on Xbox Live, but it's there. And annoying as hell. Thank God for mute huh. I sometime play with friends and instead we talk on skype when playing, and have alot of fun.