Does anyone wanna get together and play some Xbox Live? I play Halo 3, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War occasionally, rarely Dead or Alive 4. Go ahead and post your Gamertag and what you play.
well my gamer tag is in my sig but i might get a new one and i play halo raock band moh airbon and call of duty 3 .what's ur gamer tag?
Really? No Gears? No Creed? No Bioshock or Mass Effect? Drunk Soush? Lmao, so your favorite map is the most hated one. Nice.
Dude you have Xbox live and halo 3 too, add me if you want I will play halo 3, my gamertag is: godzilla3456 Its the same as here
Yes. Nope. PS3. Nope and nope, and nope. Why PS3? Simple, I didn't own a 360 back in November 2007. As for why I have none of those games; also simple. I'm a Sony/Nintendo player primarily and have been since PS1/N64 days (although like many, I started on the NES). I bought a 360 because I had friends on XBL for Halo 3--and I guess since I so happened to have cash lying around I bought a 360. I have very little interest in my 360 otherwise, although Star Ocean 4 and Infinite Undiscovery are promising future titles I might get for the 360. Snowbound is a piece of ****, in my opinion.
But still, no Gears of War? Dude... Go out and buy that game this instant >_> It is single handedly one of the greatest games I have ever played. It is defintiely worth $50 considering it never gets old, ask your Halo friends, they'll tell you the same. I mena, Xbox wasn't around in the days of the systems we grew up with, doesn't mean don't give their exclusives a shot when they wel ldeserve it. Especialyl for Gears, it is the standard for all Next-Gen games. plus, just having Halo 3 is letting that system go to waste. And agreed. Snowboaund sucks. Much better Sniper maps and much better Slayer maps.
The demographic that the Xbox is aimed at just isn't my cup of tea, usually. I don't play sports games, not particularly into fighters, never got into FPSs; it's quite amazing and I've said this before in old threads, but ever since the xbox first came into existence, there has still to this day never been an xbox exclusive that I've absolutely said "I need to get this game". I'm a JRPGer, and that is practically a Sony genre ever since the turn of the millennium. But like I said in an earlier post, with Indefinite Undiscovery coming for the 360 (scratch out Star Ocean 4, I totally messed up by saying that was confirmed for 360; brainfart), I might just finally have a game for the 360 that I actually want to play after all these years. Conclusively, I'm not saying the xbox isn't a bad system, nor does it have crappy games; I'm pretty sure Gears of War is an awesome game for the genre it's made for--but quite simply, the xbox just doesn't offer exclusives that fit my gaming preferences, and those that did were always available on the current Sony console at the time. My 360 + Halo 3 purchase was practically a purchase made on a whim, and was chosen on the fact that I had friends to play with if I bought it. If all my friends on XBL played a different game other than Halo, I probably would've bought that instead.
To put what I want to say in a nutshell, try Gears anyway. It is alot better than what you labeling it as. Maybe a bit of a fanboy here, but I'm usually all platformers, stealth, and action gamer(with the occasionaly FPS or RPG, not to much though). Yet, I still Gears and loved it. You can beat it in a day easily on Casual mode so it's not ike it'd cost you anytime, plus your guranteed to love it so what can it hurt? :P Makes sense, I mean, Lost Odyssey and 'Enchanted arms' (just died laughing) are the only RPG's on the system at the moment so I couldn't see you buying it for any other reason wouldn't make sense at all.
Haha, maybe in the future then. I'm on a tight budget currently and with Brawl coming out in about a month--and I'll be most certainly be spending most of my gaming time on that one for a long time--there isn't much incentive for me to buy games for other consoles since they'll be undeniably ignored until my Smash craze wears down. So from now until March 9, it'll probably just be Halo 3--although I've been swamped with work lately so I might not really get time to play Halo 3 until next week since it'll be my reading week.
Lol, fine I'll remind you after your smash craze because it really is worth it. It's too different and too much of what your new games need to compare with to be ignored. I'll keep that knowledge in my head until your smash craze is gone(yeah right, lol) Fine, then next week I'll pwn you! Lol, kidding :P I'll add you tommorrow though anyway, send me an invite if you ever want to play. If I'm in a good party though I'll be declining, no offense :P
Haha, no problem. Speaking of partying, I really need to get my skill level up a bit. I've been doing a crap load of social matches lately so I have all this xp without any skill increase. I rarely party up, though. XD It's ironic, I'm such a lone wolf but I love team slayer.
Lol yeah work on your skill level so you get in the more fun games and look better. For me, I play all team slayer ranked matches. Objective doesn't appeal to me, lone wolf isn't my style considering I love talking to people over the game. Team Slayer is perfect, talking, and just pointing an shooting, lol. If you really want to get your exp up though, next time I get in a dominate party I'll send you an invite, exp just starts coming easily when your with a good party.
I'm impartial like that and completely leave the post-game without even a chance of partying up, haha. I'm 6 skill levels away from getting Captain, and I'm probably just gonna stay there and just bum around social matches. You can still talk in Lone Wolf, can't you? Only difference is you're against everyone. *hasn't done a lone wolf match can't confirm*
Gah all this talk is tempting me to break the pact I made this semester. I may consider burning another free month card over reading week. I need those 1 month cards to come to Canada full time.
My gamertag is sora roxas60 same as my screen name here. Also, how do you get a link to your gamertag in your sig?