Between the 360 and the PS3, Europe is definately Sony's territory, I dunno what Microsoft could do in order to change that, I'm not sure what they could do to grab the attention Whereas you always hear about Sony pouring in the big bucks on their "This is Living" campaign, you don't really hear anything about what Microsoft is doing in the region
Yeah, the PS3 is outselling the 360, for some time now ( in Portugal at least). Console packs with games like Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction; Uncharted and FIFA Football 2008 have made people "re-believe" in the PS3.. And the price drop was a really big help too! :D
I am starting to notice more people getting interested in the PS3. They recently did an PS3 event at our uni, I forgot it was on and missed it (could won myself a free PS3) and an increase in advertising. I'm seeing more people looking at the PS3's console for Xmas than the 360. I guess Europe's demographic is less FPS domiant than that of the US. So the 360's superiority in that area isn't as much as an effect then it is over there. With the price drop it's catching more people's eyes.