Xbox 360 Gamercard question

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Destined, Nov 2, 2008.

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  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Ok, i'm not sure if this is possible, but i'm going to lay this out there.

    When i got my elite last christmas, I created the tag of avsfan3721 and that is my main account. However I did not, and still don't have xbox live. I set up the free membership a few months ago and in doing so, set up the same account name of avsfan3721, however instead of using the one I all ready had, it created another.

    My question: is there anyway to merge both accounts into one?
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    No their is not. You have to redo all your achievements and such.

    When turning an offline account into an online account you have to go to upgrade to gold, then pick silver if you're cheap
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    So in essence, I should delete the offline account and stick with the online one, even if I don't have live.

    Thanks SJ.
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Not sure what you mean when you say "stick with the online one, even if I don't have live".

    Technically, everyone has an Xbox "Live" account, the only difference is whether you have a silver one or a gold one.

    The major difference between the two is that gold is the only one that allows you to play games online with other people. With a silver account you are still able to download demos, videos, themes, etc from the XBLM, access friends list, etc, so you are still able to 'go online'. You just aren't able to access online multiplayer for any of your titles.

    I digress, by 'online one' I'm assuming you're referring to a gold account that you have made, and if so then yes, it'd be best to stick with that one from now on as all you'd need to do if you decide to want to play games online again is to simply renew it, instead of making another account.
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