x Bleeding on the Ballroom Floor x {Axel Love Story.}

Discussion in 'Archives' started by PyroLover, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. PyroLover Moogle Assistant

    Oct 26, 2008
    ... Behind you. ._.
    {O-kay, so I was just thinking about something to do and decided to post the first chapter of my fan-fic, Bleeding on the Ballroom Floor. Tell me what you think by message! ^_^}

    It was dark.

    That was about all the detail I could really recieve. It was dark. And cold. But not an uncomfortable cold; just that sometimes soft little winds would come and brush against my skin. What I didn't know was that there was so much more to this plain darkness I was experiencing.

    It felt... Undeniable. Inescapable. Like something that is forced upon you, and the person who gave it to you won't take no for an answer.

    (So sacrifice yourself,)

    The darkness was inexplicable, inevitable. As inevitable as the words that were rolling around listlessly in my head, whose deep, rich voice I didn't recognize. Odd, that I should be hearing voices at a time like this.

    Like... what?

    I couldn't explain it. If I was unconcious, I dreaded waking up and I didn't even know why. If I was dead... I was afraid of facing judgement.

    (And let me have what's left;)

    Okay, I needed to check. Could I feel all my limbs? Feet? I couldn't feel them AND I couldn't move them. That, or I was really moving them and I just couldn't feel them.

    Or I didn't have feet.

    Either way, I didn't get a response. Legs; nothing. Arms; something. It felt like someone was carrying me. So, perhaps I wasn't dead! Hurrah for unconciousness! (end sarcasm.)

    (I know that I can find,)

    There's that voice again. I wonder... Could that be who's carrying me? Suppose it is...? Does that mean that he (it did sound like a 'he', after all,) was singing to me?

    And if so, why was he singing to me? More importantly, why was he carrying me? And even more importantly, where was he carrying me to?

    And why was I unconcious?

    As these questions swirled inside my head, I felt myself slipping. I was struggling to grasp the last thread of conciousness that I had been clinging to, and I wanted to keep it.

    (The fire in your eyes.)

    I didn't know how much longer I could keep fighting the oncoming darkness. It pushed and pulled at me, smothered my in silent, icy gasps. It was pushing me, down towards my fears, my nightmares, everything I had ever hated...

    (You take the breath right out of me.)

    (c)Breaking Benjamin for the Lyrics.
    (c)Square-Enix for the idea for Kingdom Hearts.
    (c)Jynxx for the written story and Jane. (original character.)