WWD 2.0 {OOC}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sebax, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney

    You are Here!⤵
    You are Here!⤴

    Dear Dreamers,

    Over on Wonderful World of Disney property, we are experiencing difficulties which are halting the further construction of our facilities and threatening the safety of resident Cast Members. Any Adventurer whom would be willing to aid our distressed staff would be compensated for their services. Experience in Questing is preferred, but not required. A strong Imagination would do well for this work opportunity. For more information and to express interest in the advertised position, we may be reached at 555-347-6399 during normal business hours.

    From the desk of,
    Mitch Aisling
    Head Imagineer and Campus Manager

    WWD is ready to have another go, and, this time, in 2.0! It's been some months since my last attempt crashed and burned, but now it's back and bigger and better than ever.

    For those familiar with 1.0,

    This time, WWD will be:
    • More organized- The Tumblr-based Information Center has been cleaned up so that those who are interested can find everything they need to understand how the Roleplay is managed.
    • Less Complicated- No more "Post on x day to receive y reward". Certain restrictions will still be in place to make sure all have an equal opportunity to advance at a equal pace, but it will not be needlessly tedious.
    • More Visual- Weeks have been spent creating graphics which will not only be eye-pleasing, but also create an aesthetic to bring the story to Life right before the eyes of the player. I will be investing my own money to also commission an artist to represent characters who previously only existed in my imagination. The Original Characters of WWD will be presented like never before, and paint a better picture of what this world looks like.
    • Better Written- At least on my part; the rest is up to you! As anyone should with an art form that appeals to them, I have been improving to establish a script that is more comprehensible.
    For those of us just joining in 2.0, here are some of the more basic features and systems,
    • Rich Story- Complete with characters original to the Plot, WWD's story is pre-written, but it needs you to bring it to life.
    • Meet-and-Greets- Wandering around each park, and in each section, are Disney characters just waiting to be interacted with. I play all of them, and the list goes on and on for who's in attendance through the many locales you can explore. The first park, Magic Kingdom, alone will contain characters from the media available in the attached link here.
    • Pins- Some you get from Meet-and-Greets, some you get from jobs, and some you buy with Disney Dollars (The in-game, fictional currency). No matter what the case, Pins add a Collection feature that makes WWD what it is.
    • Jobs- Earn Disney Dollars (Plus a pin each first time you successfully complete a job) to put in your in-game bank account and buy pins. Jobs vary from writing a description of your character doing something to getting the player involved.
    • Stats- Magic is your Attack power, and Imagination is your Defense. Pins increase your stats, but only after you've turned them in at a MagicBand+ station in the parks. Stats help you and your team once you reach the end of the park and face a Boss. Be sure to get as many Pins as you can!
    • Progression- Each playable park is divided into separate sections. In order for a player to access all of them, it will require some work on their part. Progress per week is limited on purpose to try and keep the game fair, because it's not a race. Only Main Street will be available at the beginning, but I'm sure you can make your way to Adventureland and beyond!

    For New Players

    Welcome! The rules can be found by clicking on the provided link here. Some of the major ones will be covered in "General Info" below, but a visit over to the information located on Tumblr will be great help to you. Don't worry. You will not require a Tumblr account to play. The Tumblr page is just the most convenient place to store all the information for an RP of this size.

    Please fill out the new Character Sheet below to get started.

    For Returning Players

    Welcome back! Thank you for giving this another chance. It's still suggested you read the rules, because there's been a few changes. As far as rejoining goes, however, you have the following options:

    1. Create a new character and carry over pins and Disney Dollars you earned in WWD 1.0
    2. Create a new character and start completely fresh
    3. Use your original character and carry over pins and Disney Dollars you earned in WWD 1.0
    4. Use your original character and start completely fresh
    Each of these options are given to everyone individually, so you can pick any you like regardless of the choice of another returning player. Just note: All stories are starting fresh. You have met none of the WWD Staff and never been to the island. You may have met any of the other players before, but not on the island.

    Please fill out the amended Character sheet to sign up.

    General Info

    Setting: WWD no longer takes place within the Kingdom Universe. It now takes place in the real world, in the modern time.
    Starting Point: Your character will have arrived to the island via a boat, and will be waiting at the Monorail Station at the Contemporary Resort. There to meet them will be Mitch Aisling, the Park Manager and the man who sent out the advertisement on the internet, Mosi First, the Head Monorail Operator, and Tali O'Ness, Park Manager of EPCOT and leading scientist on the WWD campus.
    Player Control: You control only your own character. No Power Play, and no God-moding. You may only lead other characters of team members in dire need, or if the player is away and has given you permission to play their character. You must prove the latter.
    Progress: You may only advance passed Main Street once you have obtained 10 pins.


    • Choose from three different Traits to determine how your character grows, starts off, and customize your game-playing experience. Your choices are: Animator, Collector, and Imagineer. Click the applicable tab to learn more about each.
    • Talk to each Meet-and-Greet character once, rather than twice, to gain an Ally.

      +5 Magic from the start.
      +1 Magic each to fellow Party Members during Boss Battles. +1 extra per Animator in the group.
    • 50% Discount on all purchasable items.

      +10% increase to all earnings.
    • Post 5 times in the same week (Sunday-Saturday) instead of 3.

      +5 Imagination from the start.
      +1 Imagination each to fellow Party Members during Boss Battles. +1 extra per Imagineer in the group.

    At Launch, MagicBand+ devices, Pin Lanyards, nor Paintbrushes are issued. You do not begin the story with them until following a Special Event shortly after Launch.

    • Worn as bracelets, these devices provide everything from Park Information, Maps, Player Stats, and Personal Banking Information in-game. This allows your character to know what specific parts of the Tumblr pages tell you, the player. MagicBand+ come in many different colors, but the color is for aesthetics only; this choice will not affect gameplay outside of being used to identify interactions with your character and/or scenes involving them.

    • [​IMG]

    • Another aesthetic that player characters wear around their necks to hold earned pins. Each Lanyard can display 10 pins at a time before trading pins for Stat points at given locations.

    • [​IMG]

    • Designed by WWD's leading scientist, these act as channels of inner strengths of Magic and Imagination. Coming in several different designs, color is yet another mere aesthetic. They are small enough to hold comfortably in one hand as a normally-sized paintbrush. Though coming in three different materials, Wood, Metal, and Plastic, the materials have no effect on the durability or usage of the devices.
    • [​IMG]
      Blue Plastic
      Green Plastic
      Orange Plastic
      Pink Plastic
      Purple Plastic
      Red Plastic
      Yellow Plastic

    * signifies Optional. If it does no have the * in front of it, it is required to be filled out before submission. *s are merely suggestions.

    Questions cover several, diverse topics in preparation for if an artist can be commissioned to draw your character. This is so that relevant information can be directly wired to the artist without bothering you with endless questions later.


    Muse=Playable Character | Mun= Player


    Name: (The name of your character. A full name is preferred. If your character goes by only one name, that's fine)
    Gender: (If desired, specific pronouns may go here)
    Age: (*Looks and Actual; specifics only suggested if the character looks significantly older or younger than their actual age)
    Skin: (Color, and possibly *marks, *scars, and *skin conditions)
    Hair: (Color and style)
    Eyes: (Color and possibly *shape)
    Build: (How your character is shaped. E.g. Tall and thin, pear shaped, husky, etc)
    Height: (In feet and inches, please)
    *Weight: (In pounds, please)

    Country of Origin: (May be your own or wheresoever you desire your character to be from. Again, WWD takes place on this planet. Please, no fictional countries. Word to the wise: Know more than a fair amount about it before choosing to represent a foreign culture)
    *Heritage: (Best to give it in terms of "Paternal" and "Maternal". Paternal means "From the father's side", and Maternal means "From the mother's side". E.g. Irish, German, and Dutch (Paternal); Welsh, English, and Italian (Maternal). You may also include percentages or fractions if you wish. E.g. 50% Irish, 50% Russian.)
    Ethnicity: (Race of the character, as skin color is not a clear indicator of Race)

    Fashion Sense: (The style of their clothing, typical colors, specific trademarks)
    MagicBand+: (Text Answer Only)
    Pin Lanyard: (Text Answer Only)
    Paintbrush: (Text Answer Only)
    Trait: (Animator, Collector, or Imagineer)


    Username: (Your username at the time of signing)
    *Preferred Name: (A handle or nickname you'd prefer to be called when contacted, outside of your Username)
    *Time Zone: (For group scheduling purposes)
    *Skype: (There will be a Skype group. If I have you on Skype already, don't bother filling this part out)
    *Gmail: (Most major and minor interactions between players and NPCs are collaboratively written through the Google Drive Word Doc feature)

    *Favorite Disney Movie: (Try to limit to five max) (Can be absolutely any movie released under the Disney company, including Pixar, Touchstone, Miramax, Disney Channel, DisneyToons, etc)
    *Favorite Disney Character: (Try to limit to five max, or do it by categories. E.g. "Favorite Villain", "Favorite Sidekick", "Favorite Princess", etc)
    *Favorite Disney Song: (Try to limit to two max)
    *Favorite Disney World Theme Park: (Try to limit to one max) (Disney World consists of four different parks, Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom)
    *Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: (Try to limit to five max)
    (Why favorites? So I know what you may be looking forward to most over the course of the game. No special prizes or rewards, except to focus just that extra ounce of magic into the interactions.)

    Please use the provided code below to Copy and Paste into your Admission post. It will remove all the extra text you won't need. Thank you.
    Country of Origin:
    Fashion Sense:
    Pin Lanyard:
    Preferred Name:
    Time Zone:
    Favorite Disney Movie:
    Favorite Disney Character:
    Favorite Disney Song:
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park:
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride:


    Current 10 player Limit
    1. Kara

      ~ Played by Magick ~​
    2. Saino

      ~ Played by Hexin ~​
    3. Ula

      ~ Played by Cstar ~​
    4. Bram

      ~ Played by Base ~​
    5. Olexia

      ~ Played by Wild ~​
    6. Winter

      ~ Played by Light ~​
    7. Open

    8. Open

    9. Open

    10. Open

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Name: Kara Jereign
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Appearance for simplicity's sake even though I'll fill it all out anyway: ~
    Skin: Seen as above. Pale, unmarked.
    Hair: Brown, waistlength, slightly curly. Straight when wet.
    Eyes: Hazel.
    Build: Um....slightly hourglass?
    Height: 5'6
    *Weight: 150

    Country of Origin: America. God help us.
    *Heritage: 50% German on Paternal side, 15% Irish, 5% English, 20% Scottish on Maternal side.
    Ethnicity: White.

    Fashion Sense: Contemporary, likes to wear hoodies or simple t shirts and jeans.
    MagicBand+: Blue
    Pin Lanyard: Black
    Paintbrush: Metallic
    Trait: Imagineer

    Username: Magick
    *Preferred Name: .......Magick B)
    *Time Zone: CST
    *Skype: N/A
    *Gmail: You have it.

    *Favorite Disney Movie: Lion King, Tangled, Pocahontus, Mulan, Hercules, Atlantis
    *Favorite Disney Character: Favorite Princess~Jasmine, Rapunzel, Kida. Favorite Villain~Maleficient. Favorite sidekick~Gurgi. Gurgi is bae.
    *Favorite Disney Song: I See the Light (Tangled) And Circle of Life (Elton John mix, Lion King)
    *Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Animal Kingdom.
    *Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Whatever the Safari one is called.
    (Why favorites? So I know what you may be looking forward to most over the course of the game. No special prizes or rewards, except to focus just that extra ounce of magic into the interactions.)
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
  3. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL


    Name: Saino Animeta
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Skin: Caucasian white, a bit tanned.
    Hair: Long Brown hair reaching past his ears, but above jaw line. Almost looks Eastern with a bit of Native American. Side burns stick out like feathers, layered to the rest of his hair. Example(s) of side burns.
    Eyes: Light brown, caramel in color when sun reflects off them.
    Build: Lean. He doesn't look like he works out much, except to avoid muscle atrophy. Looks to be in his late teens.
    Height: 5 '10
    Weight: 150Ib

    Country of Origin: 'Murica
    Heritage: 25% Peruvian, ?%European Paternal, 50% Puerto Rican, 6.25% African American Maternal
    Ethnicity: White (Because 'Murica deemed it so)

    Fashion Sense: Usually sports a red zipper jacket opened up to reveal a black Star Wars T-shirt; he almost never uses the jackets hoodie. A thick black leather belt straps itself around baggy blue denim jeans with a Marvel's Avengers belt buckle. Linked to the pants belt loop, a chain wallet; with crown for links; is seen traveling all the way to pockets. For shoes, he dawns brown sneakers. For the occasion of being in the Disney theme park, he is purposefully wearing white retro cartoon gloves, and floppy disney-esque ears; big enough that it hides his real ears, with black paint on his nose.

    MagicBand+: Yellow
    Pin Lanyard: Green
    Paintbrush: Wooden
    Trait: Animator


    Username: Hexin
    Preferred Name: Big Boy
    Time Zone: EST
    Skype: gesud4ever
    Gmail: ???

    Favorite Disney Movie(s): ANYTHING MIYAZAKI or by Studio Ghibli, Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Hercules, Treasure Planet, Saving Mr. Banks, Big Hero 6, Tangled
    Favorite Disney Character: Beast or Baron Humbert von Gikkingen
    Favorite Disney Song(s): Treasure Planet's I'm still Here. Tarzan's Two worlds by Phil Collins or The Movie Version. Hercules I Can Go The Distance and Zero to Hero. Tangled's When will my life Begin. Big Hero 6 OST.
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Undecided
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Name: Ula Finnin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20 (look and age)
    Skin: Red-pale caucasian, small cut under right eye, long scar down left and right legs
    Hair: Brunette with red and purple highlights. Usually put in more of a boyish cut
    Eyes: Green Blue, so depending on the light it could look either or. More of a down-turned eye.
    Build: A little bigger waist and stomach size, but muscular.
    Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
    Weight: 160 pounds

    Country of Origin: American: Father was an immigrant, Mother is 1/2 Native American. Ula is 25% Native American, 30% Irish, 30% Scottish, 10% British, 5% a mixture of other European ethnicities, possibly some African and Asian in there)
    Ethnicity: Mixed

    Fashion Sense: She tends to wear flannel (sometimes rolled up, sometimes not) and dark jeans, and often wears a hat (she loves her hats)
    MagicBand+: Blue
    Pin Lanyard: Purple
    Paintbrush: Plastic Orange
    Trait: Animator

    Username: cstar
    *Preferred Name: cstar, or Colleen
    *Time Zone: EST, EDT
    *Skype: You have it
    *Gmail: I would prefer to answer this privately
    *Favorite Disney Movie: Hunchback of Notre Dame (fav 2d), Big Hero 6 (favorite 3d), Ratatouille (favorite Pixar)
    *Favorite Disney Character: Lilo, Esmeralda, Kuzco (favorite disney princess btw), Kronk
    *Favorite Disney Song: The Bells of Notre Dame, Vuelie, and Friends on the Other Side
    *Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Hollywood Studios (still used to calling it MGM tho)
    *Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Space Mountain, Rockin Roller Coaster, Tower of Terror
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
  5. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney


    Name: Bram McCabe
    Gender: Cisgender male
    Age: 22
    Skin: White
    Hair: Brown, with streaks of gray at the temples and through the hair, combed-back, medium length that hangs to about the middle of the neck
    Eyes: Blue, sharp and alert
    Build: Mostly thin, with a minor v shape torso and spare legs. Long, bony fingers.
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 150 lbs

    Country of Origin: America
    Heritage: Italian (50%)(Maternal); Irish (25%), Scottish (25%)(Paternal)
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Fashion Sense: Simple Victorian Goth, casual. Doesn’t shy away from suits on special occassions. Dark sense of style, mostly dealing in blacks and grays.
    MagicBand+: Red
    Pin Lanyard: Purple
    Paintbrush: Purple
    Trait: Imagineer


    Username: Sebax
    Preferred Name: Base
    Time Zone: EST (-5)
    Skype: incharacter_94
    Gmail: aislingmitchwwd@gmail.com

    Favorite Disney Movie: Aladdin
    Favorite Disney Character: Genie, Hades, Stitch, and Gurgi
    Favorite Disney Song: Friend Like Me and A Star is Born
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Animal Kingdom
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean, Journey into the Imagination, and Dinosaur
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
  6. Cowgirl-Wild Moogle Assistant

    Aug 13, 2015
    Name~ Olexia Chronis (prefers to be called Lex or O )

    Gender~ Female

    Age~ 21

    Skin~ Pale Tan Colored,
    The only constantly visible scar is a long thin scar going across her right cheek below her eye and stops at mid eye.

    Hair~ Shoulder Length, thick and wavy, the color is honey blond.

    Eyes~ Gunmetal Blue, protruding type

    Build~ Broad shouldered, smooth fingers, long limbed, rounded face, Spoon Shaped body.

    Height~ 6"ft

    Country of Origin~ America (currently living in)

    Heritage~ Greek 50% (Parental), Latina 25%, English 25% (maternal)

    Ethnicity~ Caucasian

    Fashion Sense: Casual, Comfortable, and fom fitting.

    Magicband~ Blue

    Pin Lanyard~ Black

    Paintbrush~ Blue

    Trait~ Imagineer


    Username~ Cowgirl-Wild

    Preferred name~ Wild

    Time Zone~ (CST)

    Favorite Disney Movie~ The Good Dinosaur (Pixar), Hercules

    Favorite Disney Character(s)~ Nash, Hades, Stitch, Gurgi, Genie.

    Favorite Disney Song(s)~ Zero to Hero, Friend Like Me

    Favorite Disney Theme Park~ Hollywood Studios. <333333

    Favorite Disney Theme Ride~ Dinosaur (duh), POTC, Stitch Simulator, Journey into imagination, and I forgot the name of the last one.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  7. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea


    Name: Winter Shujaa
    Gender: Female
    Age: Unknown
    Skin: Pale White
    Hair: A sparkling white/silver
    Eyes: Royal Blue
    Build: Thin, Athletic
    Height: 5" 11'

    Country of Origin: America
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Fashion Sense: Is usually seen with a black trench coat and blue jeans. Wears t-shirts of any solid color (primarily gray, blue, and white), along with a pair of elbow length fingerless lace gloves. She doesn't really care much for most forms of make up, but she does tend to wear blue lipstick and nail polish. A hood is usually buttoned to the back of the trench coat, and she almost always wears snow boots.
    MagicBand+: Blue
    Pin Lanyard: White
    Paintbrush: Metallic
    Trait: Collector


    Username: O.KnightofTwilight
    Preferred Name: Light
    Time Zone: Central Time Zone (UTC-6:00)
    Gmail: scatteredshardsofhumanity@gmail.com
    Favorite Disney Movie: Bolt, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Inside Out
    Favorite Disney Character: Jack Skellington, Oliver, Bolt, Kuzco, and Sadness.
    Favorite Disney Song: Sally's Song and Ever Ever After.
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park: ???
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: ???
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