Spanish elephants... or was it giraffes? And wow, you're premium! I remember when you were just a newbie. *Feels old*
Yeah, I was a post whore for two months and then I was pink. XD Yeah, and I remember when it was still 2010. Good times, man. You were great to talk to, just saying.
...Getting deja vu. Have we talked? I could swear we have. Ah well. Welcome back! We're 2-year vet buddies c:
Por favor, vuelva con nuestros elefantes y jirafas en los pantalones y todas las risas que compartimos hace mucho tiempo... ;~;
Hehe don't worry, I am pretty sure I am back now. I could never leave the supreme council forever, the leader would kill me. ;) I am doing good. Learning to be nocturnal, but overall doing well, thanks. Thanks! No se preocupe, tendremos más risa con elefantes, jirafas, y el hipopótamo ocasional. =)
I remember you! You posted in the TWEWY thread, right? You had a Rhyme avatar, I think. Welcome back. =] Happy anniversary!