All my extra money went to 1.5 ReMix. It'd be cool to play Pokemon X or Y though, simply because I'm not the only person playing Dream Drop Distance on their 3DS.
It's not that hopeless, I was able to choose a week's worth of food over that silly pokeman game. even tho everyone else has it and not me i love food
I did two years ago ;; So it's not crazy, even though I haven't even come close to finishing the games I have for my PS3. But I knew I'd buy a PS4 shortly after launch even if I'm not terribly interested in any of the launch titles just because I WANT ONE, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to preorder (especially because the DS4 bundle is so delicious). And while I wait for PS4 titles I am stoked about, I can play PS+ games and catch up on my PS3 backlog. Plus free FFXIV upgrade c':