Would you date someone who had the same physical features as the gender you're attracted to, but with different genitalia? Why or why not? And remember, these are just people's opinions and preferences. There is no right or wrong answer, and no one is obligated to date a certain type of person. Me personally? I would, so long as they looked feminine enough. However, I feel as though trans women would be more emotionally unstable.
Probably not. I wouldn' t rule it out entirely cause a) love is blind and b) my tastes aren' t frozen in time, but right now sexually speaking it' d be a huge turn off for me (whether we' re speaking about the gender I' m into with different genitalia or the genitalia I' m into with a different gender, the opposite period would be less of a turn off).
"Trans women" and "trans men" generally refers to transgender individuals, not necessarily transsexuals. A transsexual person is: Someone who feels that they should have the genitalia of a different sex, or would feel more at peace with themselves if they had it. (Less common) Someone who has changed their physical features to become more like their desired sex. Due to the sexual nature of these desires, these changes often include surgery to transition their genitalia itself as a first priority. (Most common) A transgender person is: Someone who feels more comfortable expressing and being recognized for personality or social traits that match a gender they were not assigned at birth. Someone who feels more at home taking on a different role, both in their own head and in others' heads. I would date (for lack of a better word) either one were they stable enough to be good for me and I able to be good for them. The most important part of making the decision to be with someone is reciprocity. How much you and they get from the relationship. If the relationship doesn't make you both into better people, I say drop it. It is not worth the stress.
As a pansexual transgender myself who desires to eventually undergo full transition eventually, it would be rather hypocritical of me to say no. However, even were I not, I think Makaze's statement sums up my views best; To be put it in my own words; neither sex nor gender affect whether or not a person is suitable for me. Personality and chemistry are what make the decision, ultimately.
No. I don't care what other people identify themselves as but I wouldn't date a transsexual/gender/whateveryouhipsterscallitnowadays because it would make me uncomfortable. Go ahead and identify as neither genders if you feel like it, I don't care. Not my business. For me(when it comes to dating), it's a very black and white kind of subject. Born female and felt comfortable with your gender/sex? No? Then I'd never be interested in this hypothetical person.
What about people who are born with ambiguous genitalia and whose parents have it it surgically modified to appeal more like the sex their parents choose for them, which happens to be female?
While I admit that it's a possibility, I decided to ignore said possibility simply because it's unlikely to happen to me. If it does happen by some unlikely roll of the dice, I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.
If someone told you about this, it would probably be long after they felt they could trust you, meaning you would have to already have a vested interest in them to find out. Food for thought.
Given that I am both heteroromantic and heterosexual, I'd be fine dating a transsexual woman provided she had already finished physically transitioning. While I am open to having relationships without sexual/physical activities, it's very likely that I'd eventually be more inclined towards ones with it, and I am very turned off by male genitalia. In the long run though, I'd imagine that I would likely end up marrying a cis woman due to wanting to have children outside of adoption, selfish as that may be.
/pansexual demiromantic who prefers assertive women and effeminate men Pff is this supposed to be hard? :L LOL THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID Real tho, for me romantic attraction mostly beats sexual attraction; the one follows from the other, in most cases. I've even come to fantasize about people I once thought were kind of ew, just because I formed an emotional bond with them. So it's pretty hard to turn me off once you've got me to the point that the genits are out in the open and all that.
As the question was made , I would say no. As a heterosexual man, I am attracted not only to the woman's appearance, but their genitalia as well. However if this trans-person had already done the surgery I probably wouldn't mind (It wouldn't be easy, but I would love her so this would be an obstacle to be surpassed together). That being said I probably would be a bit sad about never being able to have children with her, but there are infertile cis-woman as well so this is a possible scenario either way (hell maybe I could be infertile myself).
I hope this makes sense. I really hope this makes sense. /asexual genderfluid person [ Genderfluid just means that some days I feel masculine and other days I feel feminine. Still other days I feel both or none. Usually, I just like to say 'complicated' when it comes to my gender. ] I kind of agree with Nova in that I'm more attracted to a person's personality than whatever equipment that they may have been born with. I may be a little sex repulsed in that I can't actually imagine myself doing the deed. But once I've formed an emotional bond with someone, who knows? Yes, it is entirely possible for an asexual to have sex and watch porn and masturbate. So, to the original question. Assuming that the transsexual and I have gotten to know each other and there is that emotional bond, then yes, I would date them. Because, with any long-standing relationship, it should be the person as a whole that matters and not the shape of their bodies.
If I knew before dating someone, no. If I knew while dating someone, maybe, depending on how far into the future I see that person with myself.
♔☆☆Simply said, absolutely yes, under any given circumstance. It's not really about the person's physical makeup that makes them dating material ( although that can be a point of contribution for me ), but it's more about how they carry themselves and how they feel about themselves, considering they're not cissexual, which can bring around a lot of issues for their emotional stability. I wouldn't purposely go for a transsexual who wasn't comfortable with who they decided to be. T H U G B E R R I E S WACK WACK WACK WACK DIRTY PLAYER
In an Ideal world yes, but most of the time people will be attracted to someone before and than making a more profound bond. Not saying that is not possible to fall in love for a friend, what I am trying to say is that Love will mostly develop AFTER physical attraction. It is possible to be emotional bonded to any people of any gender, but without sexual attraction it will be friendship. If you think about the issue, and reverse it "why would you not fall in love with a trans person (without the sex change operation)" Is like saying "So gay man could just love Woman if they tried, and thus 'be cured' ". So no, if you are attracted to a specific gender there is a genitalia expectation, (sure it can go well if you are pan/bisssexual). It is not like a few pounds more , being short or don't fit to a specific pattern of "beauty". Don't know how it works for asexual people, but for most is not just a matter of "man up, and forget that your love interest has the oposite thing you want". I would not fall in love for "pity" or such, for me love is all or nothing. ps.: bear in mind, that I am not calling Trans-women "not women", but I would be incompatible with one without a vagina, and If she still has male resemblances I probably would not be attracted to her at all ( and thus, not in love, but could be a friend).
With an asexual person, there is no sexual attraction. It's a bit like being in a greenhouse or botanical garden. The flowers are pretty but there's no need for me to touch them. In other words, I can appreciate how people look but I have no desire to get them into bed with me. Unless it's to cuddle.
this is gonna make me sound really easy but as long as you're masculine enough and have a lil weewee then i'm yours [ assuming that i like their personality and such, like they're not a ****** or something haha ] however, if the person didn't change their genitalia, then i don't think i could date them. well i could, but sex would be out of the question and idk if i'd be comfortable with a relationship without sex tbh lol