Would an Online petition(Gonna get stupid here) on a online petition website actually bring back a show on a channel? There is a petition going around to bring back Toonami, and well it need about 120 more signers for it. Theres no need for phone numbers and stuff, but would it really bring back Toonami? Or is it a false hope? Cartoon Network's Toonami back on the air! - The Petition Site Only reason I signed it was so they can show the second season of SD gundam force on it. They never finished the series! D:
...Hate to be the one to dash everyone's hopes, but internet petitions... Don't really work. The few that actually did were extreeemely lucky cases, maybe even just coincidences. People can sign multiple times under separate names which completely defeats the purpose, the company probably won't even acknowledge its existence, and lastly... Well to be blunt, a thousand signatures is nothing, especially on the internet. CN cut Toonami because people weren't watching it. I doubt they'll bring it back. I miss it too, though, and I would totally sign if it didn't ask for all the useless personal info. =/