The rest of the article can be found here. I feel awful for her kids =/. If you ask me though, lying about her age was really selfish. She should have realized that it was possible something like this would happen and that it could put any children she had in danger. Thoughts?
I personally think women should accept that their time to have children has passed once they reach the menopause. It's almost cruel to have children at such an old age. She probably didn't expect to die at 69, but she would have known she only had an indefinite amount of time left...
So now who takes care of her kids? At that age, she might not have any relations left, which would mean her children get put up for adoption, I think. That is pretty selfish of her.
I think it was stupid of her to have children at that age. She believed that she would have stayed alive so far as to seeing grandchildren. I feel seriously awful for her kids, having a old mother like that. I thought the plan was to have kids at a young age so you can see you grand babies..
Apparently not for her =/. Maybe she decided not to have children when she was young and regretted the decision later, but that's no reason to make her kids suffer for it now.
That's what I'm saying. I think she only did that for the title of "Oldest Mom alive". Her kids with suffer significantly. I can see it now, kids would probably be made fun of and everything.