"The world will end tomorrow!" "Nonsense. It's already tomorrow in New Zealand."
1:13AM, Perth, Australia. After reading the link, I've noticed something... If the flood happened on the 17th day of the second month and lasted for 40 days and nights... 17/2 +40 days = (17+40)/2 = 57/2 57 days becomes 28 days and 27 days = approximately 27th of March, if it's to happen exactly the same time as the flood did, 7000 years later.
So, what are you guys gonna do that day? If the weather's good, I'm going to Six Flags. If not, I'm staying in to watch Deadly Spawn.
You know what? It really does. I quit life. See you guys in a few hours when you've all been raptured. I'm getting in early.
I can guarantee it doesn't end. It's the 21st of May TODAY for me XD and i'm pretty sure i'm alive. Then again...