Kingdom Hearts II Without Org.13...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Jayn, Jun 7, 2008.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Sorry if this is a repeat thread or if this should be in spam...But if we cut every Organization 13 member out of the Kingdom Hearts II storyline--With the exception of Xemnas and Roxas...What would be different? That means:

    1.Xaldin: ...Nothing. Whatever. XD
    2.Demyx: Half of the fan-base would disappear...
    3.Saix:...Well...I guess SOMETHING may happen. I'm not in the mood to research though...
    4.Axel: The other half of the fan-base would disappear...[A bit more left for Roxas, though]
    5.Xigbar: Ah--Pirate guy!!! T-T
    6.Luxord: ...I dont know.

    I really dont think they matter much, in the Kingdom Hearts storyline ALONE. They're just a mess of random battles and EXP points... I think that if Sora had just been chasing after Xemnas that whole time, it'd be only slightly different. I'm not saying that they're pointless--or that I wish they didn't exist. I just wanna know if someone thinks that these characters have a SPECIFIC reason and link to the Kingdom Hearts TWO--Not coM, Fm, kh1, Bbs--Anything, just KH2.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Well, in the game, those characters did certain things that impacted the story. Xaldin did try to corrupt Beast and get him to give up his Heart. Saix did do a lot of mind games and messed with people badly, Demyx was kind of a goof ball that was given missions he just didn't care about, Axel had his role as being outside of the Organization on the run and his plot to get back Roxas which was rather important, Xigbar had to do his thing in Mulan's world and also had a quirky personality and apparently was one of the people that found members for the order, and Luxord had to be his gambler self, playing odds and gambling for the Heart of a heartless he unleashed.

    In a way, it made it more interesting to have more people to contend with and also to see their personalities. Xemnas, despite looking cool, really is kind of bland in personality so other Org members kind of made up for that. Roxas had to be in the story too in order to progress it and get Sora to return and also set the mood of the game early on. However, just having Roxas, because he was an unusual Nobody that was also somehow emo at the same time, wouldn't have shown the Nobody plight well. Axel and Demyx did show that not all members of the Organization were so keen on the ideas going on, as well as Namine. Saix showed a devotion to Xemnas and was a real thorn in everyone's side and seemed more sadistic in nature than Xemnas did. Xemnas had a more disicplined aura around him and demanded order and respect. We never would have seen that aura about him had we missed out on seeing the other Org members and how they were like.

    So the game might have been kind of more boring because though Xemnas was enigmatic in his way, we had already dealt with Ansem (Xehanort's Heartless) and having to just go against Xemnas would have more mirrored the former games. Two games with Ansem (Xeh's Heartless) was enough without needing to face his Nobody who was different in some ways but not enough for us to not think it was just a repeat game. Whether people disliked some members of the Org or not, having all those people and their differences added flavor to the game overall.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Okay, think of all the reasons Sora fought the org. (No, I am not going to allow "he was stupid...)

    The two reasons were that they attacked the worlds and kidnapped Kairi.

    Attacking the worlds was done mostly by the members listed by you.

    Kairi's kidnapping was Saix and Axel.

    Take them out, and we have a mewling excuse for a hero wandering around the worlds calling "RIIIIKUUUUUU! Where are you Riiiiiiikuuuuuuu?"

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