I don't make good avatars or sigs. I'd like to request one of both. I don't really know what I want, except what characters I want for each, but please work with me here. Avatar: Something with Axel and flames. Let your imagination run wild with this one. Avatars aren't big enough to make with immense detail. Axel's name on it somewhere. (100x100 obviously) Sig: Roxas on the left with a light blue background behind him. Preferably a pic of him in his Organization outfit. Fade to Axel with a golden yellow background on the right. In Axel's pic, him looking sad, like with the cutscene when Roxas leaves the Organization. In the fade between the colors, the words "No one would miss me" in some kind of curly text. Make it look sparkly somehow. I know you can... at least I think. (not too big on size, just as big as necessary) Thanks, ~*Hunted Hunter*~
Here's the Avatar: URL: http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/155/d/c/Hunter_Hunted_Avatar_by_Demon_Slayer_Kyle.jpg I don't have the sig cause I can't change backgrounds. :o What do you think?
Oh my freaking gosh, that is AMAZING! I wish I could do stuff like that. I have Photoshop, but it's a really old version, so I can't do much with it. Thank you so much!