Within Darkness

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Scarred Nobody, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    A new series that I am developing. I will say that this does dig into the mythology of vampires and werewolves. This is just a warning for those who are tired of those kinds of stories. You do not have to read it if you don't want to. This was also something new for me. I have written in the 1st person in the past, but not as this kind of character. You'll understand when you see. it. It may take a while for episodes to be uploaded, so don't expect some kind of weekly thing. It's more of a "when I find the time to write one thing." So you could have two episodes in a week or just one for two weeks. Now I am ready to present...

    Within Darkness
    by tummer

    Episode 0
    My story will begin exactly where my old life will end. There was nothing interesting about my life before then. Until this moment, I wouldn’t believe that beings from fantasy games and fairy tales could possibly exist. It’s crammed down our throats to believe that there is no such thing as wizards, vampires, and werewolves. Having that stated, would you believe that we’re taught that these beings don’t exist by those who embody these creatures. That itself may be a self contradiction, right?

    My name is Joseph. That’s all you need to know. My last name belongs to the parents who left me to deal with the foster care system. It did become apparent that I did need a last name in order to participate in this world. It would be useful for such things as credit cards and receiving paychecks. I couldn’t go by Joseph “Blank†forever. So, I chose a simple name: White. It doesn’t sound too clichéd, and it sounds like a name you’re born into. Joseph White, your beloved narrator. Man, I’m stupid.

    The reason why I chose to start my story here is because that is where it gets interesting. My life before then is nothing but a normal human life. I’m not saying that I’m not human at this point; I’m just stating that this is where the good part begins. It wouldn’t be interesting if I bored you with details of my life before this particular chain of events. All that you really need to know about me is that I had no family to support me and I am a sixteen year old junior student enrolled at Marry Shelly Academy. I do find it kind of funny that they named a school after the woman who wrote Frankenstein, one of the most melancholic stories I’ve ever read.

    However, it was people like Mary Shelly who kept these creatures alive. She didn’t exactly write about zombie life, but that race is probably alive and kicking (get it?). Novelists and grand story tellers have spread legends of these creatures, partially wishing that they were real. I know this is true because I am guiltily of making this wish once or twice myself. Well, my wishes were crudely granted and now I know a secret that no human is permitted to know. Will this mean I’d have to die? Maybe being a vampire will be fun; chicks are into blood suckers these days.

    If I did die, maybe only one person would miss me. She became a close friend of mine in the oddest of ways. Now, she became my protector. If Anna was able to get me out of this situation, I would owe her my life. Maybe she’d let me be a part of her forces. It would be kind of cool. That would all have to depend if I live past this strange event.

    Who knew that my Algebra teacher was a vampire who has failed re-habilitation numerous times in the past? It’s kind of funny because she gave me so much heat for having a low C-average in her class. It also didn’t help that Ms. Asoka desired my blood for the past few months. Again, this is not my fault…well, maybe a little. She was able to lure me into the dark classroom, all alone, after school hours. I curse these stupid male hormones. But come on; no one looks this hot. Moving on:

    It sucked being pinned to the floor after being taught a lesson in Dark Creatures 101 by the lovely Ms. Asoka. She was ready to just take some blood from my throat when we heard the door burst open. It was a wolf, or a giant dog, with light brown fur and a dark nose. Something in her ivory eye seemed familiar to me. As she growled, her head tilted to the left when she noticed me. Is it you, Anna? This was just too freaky! My vampire teacher, who until recently had me pinned to the ground, was about to face off with a she-wolf.

    This is where my story begins:

    Please tell me what you think.
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    This story reminds me of Quizilla. And that certainly isn't a compliment.

    I suppose this could appeal to a younger audience, but I feel that you're stuck on these pre-teen stories. You need to expand. I understand there's the whole twilight hype and that you like it a lot, but...

    to be honest, twilight isn't the best literary example to follow. If you like the vampire thing, then go for it, but also find other things you like, original things and integrate them in your experience as a writer.
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Thank you for the advice. I will admit that Twilight is not the greatest story to follow. I'm kind of trying to create my own mythology out of it. I was interesting in that kind of thing before I knew about the books. As for my stories, I guess I do need to expand. Right now I am working on a project that my stretch my horizons. My dream is to be a young adult writer, but I also know that that's not the only division of writing. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.